Zooey Deschanel to play Ada Lovelace?

Setting nerdy hearts a-flutter across the internet is current rumour that Zooey Deschanel will play Ada Lovelace in an upcoming film about the world's first programmer.

Gizmodo has the scoop:

The casting of Zooey Deschanel isn't completely confirmed, with Production Weekly tweeting she's "in talks to play Ada Lovelace in "Enchantress Of Numbers," Bruce Beresford plans to direct the period drama this fall"

Which is as good an excuse as any to take a few minutes and bask in the sublime wonder of this video:

Hat tip: @carmenego

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It's a tough choice between her and her sister, Emily, for nerd hearts...

I had the normal nerd crush on her too until I watched her on Top Chef. She seems like a massive pain in the ass in real life. Her sister seems nice enough though...

I'm more of an Emily fan myself - I *heart* Bones :o)
Still it'd be great to get a big name in to play Ada Lovelace - not enough people realise how people like Ada have helped shape our modern world.

Thought you might be interested in the campaign being run by the BCS at the moment as Ada Lovelace is one of the pioneers that they're higlighting: Information Pioneers - http://pioneers.bcs.org/

Jo, do you have a link on women in science?