Mommy Monday: End-of-the-semester edition

I'm having a research crisis at the moment (watching a whole line of my post-doc work threaten to disappear in front of my eyes) with an imminent deadline looming. The last day of class is Tuesday and I need to write a lecture, a study guide, and eventually exam. Not to mention grade a bunch of very short assignments. We spent Saturday buying a car, and today grocery shopping and doing laundry and dishes (necessary for continued functioning). Minnow's asleep in her crib (and has been for an hour). Please excuse me if I haven't much to say for this Mommy Monday post, instead I'm going to spend the time grading.

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No worries! We're all feeling the crunch now... I'm trying to finish out the semester after not having been to class for the last tree weeks. Having a baby really hampers one's ability to get things done, yes? One paper down, only three to go... by next week... !!!

Can't wait to hear more about the car whenever you get a chance.

Good luck with everything!

By Writer Chica (not verified) on 03 Dec 2007 #permalink