Scientiae scavenger hunt - win a free issue of Seed magazine

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgAnother duplicate Seed magazine has arrived in my mailbox, and just in time another great Scientiae has been posted. Be the first one to identify the authors of the following three quotes in the comments, and I'll send along the Universe in 2009 issue of Seed.

It's another cool issue focusing on the all awesome innovations waiting on our scientific horizon. So far, I've particularly enjoyed the feature article on the "ecology of finance" and the Seed Salon where a physicist and a social scientist discuss how networks are becoming a dominant paradigm for investigating all sorts of phenomena. I'm also looking forward to reading "The Urban Paradox" in which Geoffrey West describes how "the future of humanity and the sustainability of the planet are inextricably linked to the fate of our cities." You want to read this issue.*

Below the fold, the three quotes to tantalize you into reading the February Scientiae and earning a free issue of Seed.

Quote 1 from a post featured in the February Scientiae:

But in the real world, it would feel like a grand step forward if people would simply recognize their own privilege, so that we could stop arguing about it. It's something I need to work on myself. So does everyone else.

Quote 2 from a post featured in the February Scientiae:

i think that in many ways we've become used to standards that are lower, easier to meet, or unquestionably governed by tradition; and if we first inoculate our children and students (or anyone else who will listen) with higher standards and encourage them to continue learning, if we teach them to think for themselves and to analyze the information they're being given before making decisions that respect the increasingly global nature of our society, then the world has actually become a slightly better place.

Quote 3 from a post featured in the February Scientiae:

I know how lucky I have been to end up where I am now, to be encouraged to get into a profession that is not at all 'normal' and that is risky in someways, and I wish everyone could have the encouragement and support I have had.

*The Overlords pay me absolutely nothing for these plugs. It just turns out that Seed is actually a pretty cool magazine.


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1. Volcanista, 2. Physicienne, 3. Monkeygirl. Three great blogs (two who hadn't been on my blogroll and now should be!) and a really great edition of Scientiae!

Congrats Kate. Send me an email with your address and you'll have an issue of Seed in your mailbox soon.