Writing thoughts, before entering the archives

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgI'm off visiting a set of archives for the rest of this week - Karen Tonso and I are trying to cook up a cool research idea (to expand into a manuscript) about engineering and identity in relation to this project. However, my attention was recently drawn to an article by Peg Boyle Single in Inside Higher Ed about writing your dissertation, and I noticed a connection with Robert Boice and his writing strategies. What ho! I thought. Time to bring back the ATNFM into my life. It's a sign.

I've also started exploring the idea of doing research with Evernote. I'm not sure how it will work, but will give it a go on this SWE project. Anyone have any good experiences with Evernote? Or other writing tips you're finding helpful?

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I have loved EverNote for keeping track of all my projects, and once I figure out the new Sharing feature I think I will use it to manage collaborations and share info too. Good luck!

By New Asst. Prof. (not verified) on 11 Jul 2009 #permalink