On Universe, Claire L. Evans interviews sci-fi world-builder Ursula K. Le Guin. Their conversation centers on the Google Books Settlement, which seeks to "circumvent existing U.S. copyright law." While Le Guin hopes her books will become more accessible in the future, she says "the vast and currently chaotic electronic expansion of publishing should not be controlled solely by corporations." On Uncertain Principles, Chad Orzel reviews China Mieville's new novel The City and the City, which is about two cities that enforce very strict boundaries despite being "co-located" on the same real estate. While Chad appreciates the trickiness of the premise and Mieville's "bravura show of writing ability," he wonders why either city "would agree to such a daft state of affairs." On Pharyngula, PZ Myers gripes about SF's dependence on humanoid aliens, asking why more creators don't examine "the diversity within the phylum Chordata, let alone some of the weirdness in other phyla." And on Collective Imagination Greg Laden wonders if having a chip in his head might make his medical odyssey a bit more efficient.
Links below the fold.
- Interview: Ursula K. Le Guin on Universe
- China Mieville, The City and the City [Library of Babel] on Uncertain Principles
- Interesting aliens, for a change on Pharyngula
- I want a chip implanted in my head at the next possible opportunity on Collective Imagination
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