Bush Administration Hopes to Keep Oceans Noisy

Remember a couple weeks ago how the California courts ruled to protect acoustic feeders and minimize Naval sonar use? Well, NRDC's Kate Wing just informed me that ruling is now being challenged by the Bush Administration who yesterday attempted to override the court ruling. According to NRDC, who instigated the original lawsuit:

In an effort to nullify measures established to protect marine mammals from potentially lethal sound blasts, President Bush gave the Navy an unprecedented waiver under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), and allowed the Navy a second "emergency" waiver under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

I wrote in my earlier post on the sonar victory that "this ruling chips away at only the tip of the noise pollution iceberg." The power of a Presidential waiver can prevent even that small chip. Noisy oceans, just another shifting baseline.

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The power of a Presidential waiver can prevent even that small chip. Noisy oceans, just another shifting baseline.

I've seen this discussed in other places too. The thing is, when you come up against someone saying, " National security" for whatever reason, it is a tough obstacle to overcome!
Dave Briggs :~)