Weekend Diversion: Velociprincesses (Synopsis)

“A princess is many things, and a raptor is one of them.” -Laura Cooper

For those of us who love the movies, there are two things that are indelibly etched into our memories -- not necessarily together -- as Galactic, featuring Chali 2na, sing to us, if we

Think Back.

I'm referring, of course, to Disney princesses and the terrifying velociraptors of Jurassic Park.

Image credit: Laura Cooper, via http://xpwebcomic.com/gallery/. Image credit: Laura Cooper, via http://xpwebcomic.com/gallery/.

But this weekend, I'm proud to highlight the work of Laura Cooper, who decided to combine these two together in brilliant form, creating velociprincesses for many of the famous (and infamous) characters.

Image credit: Laura Cooper, via http://xpwebcomic.com/gallery/. Image credit: Laura Cooper, via http://xpwebcomic.com/gallery/.

Go check out my favorites here, and have a great weekend!

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