
Every manly man of means these days has gotta have a man-cave, right? Every man gotta be a caveman, right? Wrong. D00ds, step away from your caves! You must read The Caveman Mystique, and if you cannot, as a self-respecting caveman, be bothered to read a whole freakin' book, at least read this post over at The World's Fair. Fab interview with Caveman Mystique author Martha McCaughey. Maybe if you read the book in a techno-geeky way, say, on Kindle, you could preserve your caveman status even as you are deconstructing it???? Image from Flickr, posted by VonMurr…
Because of the confusion over last week's Skeptics' Circle, I've been totally remiss in doing what I normally do, namely plugging the next host and urging all skeptical bloggers to start getting ready their best skeptical stuff for the Circle, which is next scheduled for May 7. So next week the host is Ferret's Cage, whose contact information is here. So get cracking! You have only a little more than a week! Also help him out because he's dealing with an infiltration of woo in his sister's school.
Fab reader Penny Richards has a Handmade Geekery site on Etsy with this stunning Rock Diva purse that can be YOURS! Do not click unless you are prepared to drool and desire said purse. Penny says that thanks to the Smithosonian's Flickr Commons project, there will be plenty more of these delicious goodies coming. Mayhap you could request your fav????
The short answer is: "Heck if I know." I heard from the host on the 19th, and he said it might be a day or two late. However, we're now out beyond three days, and still no Skeptics' Circle. True, there's a minimalist post with some of the links, but no Circle. I have an e-mail in, but no response yet. I'm sorry for the delay and the confusion. I'll let you know what's going on when I know.
Usually, I'm kind of a hermit, but I heard there would be Bacon and so, I'm going to leave the house next Weds, night and attend a science blogging event at the University of Washington. I think it will be fun. Not only will there be Bacon, there will be pizza and other bloggers, who may or may not be entertaining. Others who will be there (besides me) are: Dave Bacon, Quantom Pontiff Maria Brumm, Green Gabbro, who is NOT really an intern with the Discovery Institute Keith Seinfeld, KPLU, Science and Wonder Alan Boyle, MSNBC, Cosmic Log Eric Steig, UW Earth…
Noted ScienceBlogs commenter DuWayne Brayton has started a new blog to aid in kicking an old habit. In his welcome post, he writes: I'm a soon to be ex-smoker. My name is DuWayne Brayton and I have been smoking for about sixteen years now. I've had enough - though embarrassingly, it has taken the price of tobacco doubling, for me to decide to quit. I will move some of my other posts on smoking over, from my regular blog, but first, I am hoping to hear from you. I would really like to get some other smokers - current and ex, to post their stories. While I have never had a tobacco addiction…
I forgot to mention yesterday (although I did on Twitter) that I'm currently in Denver, where I will be attending the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), as I do almost every year at this time. I hope to see, as Isis would put it, some hot, hot science over the next three and a half days. In between sessions, I'll be putting the finishing touches on my Challenge Grant, seeing old friends, and possibly even blogging. The frequency depends upon (1) how many old friends I see and (2) how good or crappy the wifi is at the Colorado Convention Center. In the…
...our Skeptics' Circle host for this week, The Lay Scientist, had some technical issues with his blog. It should be forthcoming later today...
Darn it, another Scientiae missed by me. But you don't have to miss reading it! Head on over to Candid Engineer and check it out! Topic is We Rise Up: Overcoming Challenges. Jane's contribution is heartrending at the same time it is inspiring. And if you want to volunteer to host May's carnival, let them know with an email to scientiaecarnival [a] gmail [dt] com.
Say hello to newest Scibling Ethan Siegel at his blog Starts With A Bang, which I think is interesting and nifty, and not just because he has a post about tinfoil hats with a music clip of bluegrass artist Colby Maddox singing Shady Grove. Sadly, he does not list TSZ as one of his favorite ScienceBlogs, though I will resist puking on his shoes, because his intro video is so darn much fun.
Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Many thanks to Isis for making it possible by lending me her shoes...also thanks for playing along! Now we return you to our regularly scheduled shoe-pukin' blog....
In case anyone has noted my recent absence in comment threads since Friday, March 27, 2009, well, I have a good excuse!
I've been thinking a lot lately, and it seems to me that I spend way too much time puking on other peoples' shoes and not nearly enough time prancing about in my own fancy high heels. So this past weekend I did some shopping. Here's one result: Let me tell you, Mr. Zuska is happy about this turn of events! I also got these: Of course, after an evening in those, I couldn't walk at all the next day due to my arthritic toes but it was all worth it, because I knew I had finally consumed my way into modern womanhood. I know this because I was reading Mechanical Brides: Women and Machines…
The NIH has some extra money to fund summer research for students and teachers. Check it out! The NIH and grantee partner institutions have a unique opportunity to support summer research experiences for high school and college students, as well as elementary, middle, and secondary school science teachers, and faculty from non-research intensive institutions in your geographic area. Supported through American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), these administrative supplements are available, on an expedited basis, to NIH research grants of faculty at your institution (See…
Well, there's something new. After nearly four years, I don't recall having seen a Skeptics' Circle meeting quite like this one before. The 108th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has landed at Podblack Cat, and it's a doozy. In fact, it's a video podcast. Be sure to go and check it out. Next up is The Lay Scientist on April 9. Start getting your skeptical wheels spinning and get more of that great skeptical blogging ready in time to make another great Skeptics' Circle.
First about those carnivals: *The deadline for submission to the second installment of the Diversity in Science carnival is midnight (EST) tonight. It's being hosted at Thus Spake Zuska and this month's topic is "Women Achievers in STEM - Past and Present." I myself am trying to get a post up before the deadline. If you get in under the wire, or have already written a post that you think fits the theme, submit it here. *The deadline for submission to the April installment of Scientiae, the women in science, engineering, technology, and math carnival, is March 29. The Candid Engineer is…
I usually do this over the weekend before, but better late than never, right? In any case, the 108th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. In fact, it's a mere two and a half days away! This time around, it will land in the very capable hands of Podblack Cat on Thursday, March 26. As always, the guidelines for submissions can be found here, while the host-specific contact information for this week can be found here. Don't let a feline down; send her your best stuff by Wednesday. Also, as always, hosts are needed. I'd very much like to fill out the summer schedule within the…
Text and title shamelessly stolen from Sciencewomen, I have no time to write, am at mom's again. Dr. Isis has decided to donate the funds from her blog traffic to fund a scholarship for undergraduate research, and has gotten the American Physiological Society to match her donation up to $500. And all you have to do is click on her site - no $$ donations required. So cool! Go visit her announcement, and her site through teh browser not the RSS feed reader for this month. :-)
While on the subject of interviews, I was recently contacted with an interview request by the website The Reef Tank. Loath to turn down any opportunity to talk about myself (what do you expect, I'm a blogger fer cryin' out loud!) I filled out the question sheet they sent over and you can read the interview here. Given the marine life focus of their site, we discussed ocean acidification and the PETM event after a couple of blogging generalities. They also asked my opinion of aquariums, with a warning it is controversial. I did not have much to say, and I guessed that the controversies must…
Pi Day has come and gone. Sciencebloggers have posted their pie recipes and pictures - including, of course, my fabulous Bird Pie - and now it is time to vote for your favorite. You may also enjoy checking out Janet's Pi Day pie roundup. That's one helluva lotta pies she baked! Though none of them were for the birds. I would beg you to vote for my Bird Pie, so that I could win the contest, but I am sure you will be blown away by the culinary accomplishments of my fellow Sciblings, so I'll just suggest that you go vote for someone. Personally, I think that violet custard pie kicks ass.…