Blog Carnivals

The newest edition of The Tangled Bank is up at e3 Information Overload. As usual, it's a great place to go and check out what people have been writing about in the science blogosphere.
Imagine being both a science dork and computer nerd. We call those people bioinformaticians and beg them to debug our pitiful little programs for us. If we're lucky, one of them has already written a program that performs the exact data analysis that we need. That saves us feeble bad programmers much time and keeps our frustration at a minimum. Alas, they rarely write a program that does exactly what we need, so we often need to figure out how to manipulate their code to do what we want. Some bioinformaticians have gotten together and started a blog carnival (who does that?) and named it Bio…
The second edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted at Genetics and Health. Go get your genetics on.
Head over to Medviews to check out this week's Grand Rounds, a weekly round-up of medical blog posts. Some goodies: Genetics and Health's Top 10 reasons you should care about genetics, and Clinical Cases and Images on reasons not to be a doctor.
Hsien Lei will be hosting the second edition of Mendel's Garden at Genetics and Health. Submission information is available here.
Figures. I'm even mentioned in last week's "Ask a Scienceblogger" question, and I'm not around to answer it! How is it that all the PIs (Tara, PZ, Orac et al.), various grad students, post-docs, etc. find time to fulfill their primary objectives (day jobs) and blog so prolifically?... Looking at the responses, I think Mark already nailed it: insanity. But I suppose I'll ramble a bit below the fold, anyway... (Catch that? Look--rambling by me! Another post appears! Lather, rinse, repeat!) Seriously, though, I do strive for most of my posts to go beyond just my ramblings and random…
Just to update, some carnivals I missed while I was out... Grand Rounds Pediatric Grand Rounds Mendel's Garden (new genetics carnival) Tangled Bank
The latest edition of the science blog carnival Tangled Bank is up at Centrerion Canadian Politics. Go check it out for a good sampling of what people have been writing about around the science blogosphere, which does, you may be surprised to find out, extend beyond the confines of Seed's ScienceBlogs site.
The first ever edition of Mendel's Garden, a blog carnival devoted to genetics, has been posted at The force that through... If you would like to contribute to the next edition, you can find information here.
Welcome to the June edition of Animalcules! Apologies for the lateness; I only had a few minutes to get online yesterday, and that was mainly devoted to checking email and making sure there were no crises that needed my attention. So, without further ado... From the Scientific Creative Quarterly comes a humorous entry: Prokaryotes of America Unite. Almost makes me feel bad. (You also may want to check out Scientific Creative Quarterly editor David Ng's new blog here at Scienceblogs: The World's Fair. Jennifer over at Science Matters has a nice post discussing background information on…
Mendel's Garden is a brand spanking new carnival devoted to all things genetic (classical, molecular, evolutionary, etc). The deadline to submit an entry for the first ever edition is Thursday, June 15 at 11:59 central time. If you have recently posted something on your blog about any area of genetics, please consider submitting it to this carnival. We're trying to kick it off with a bang. Feel free to take the image on the right and post it on your blog/website.
This week's Ask a Scienceblogger question is: "Assuming that time and money were not obstacles, what area of scientific research, outside of your own discipline, would you most like to explore? Why?" Musings below the fold... First, I'll note that this question was actually somewhat difficult for me. I really, really like my job. It's a combination of all the things I "wanted to be when I grew up." Part medicine, part author, part teacher, part disease researcher (OK, so it's not investigating Ebola in the DRC, but it's still interesting). But, if I had unlimited time and money and had to…
Holy cow, they're breeding like rabbits. RPM and Paul have set up a genetics blog carnival, Mendel's Garden: So if you have posts about any aspect of genetics, send them on and let's see what happens. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm on June 15. Possible topics could include classical genetics(what ever that is), evo devo, population genetics and evolution, behavioral genetics, viruses, regulation of gene expression, medical genetics , genetic counseling and ethical issues.
As I mentioned, the newcomers to Scienceblogs include several neuroscience sites. Admittedly, neuroscience is one of the areas I know least about in biology. A new carnival will leave me no excuses to continue my ignorance. Hi all you Neuroscience bloggers out there. I -- and many of the other neuroscience-related bloggers on this site -- sense a strong need for a neuroscience carnival -- a way to regularly collect all of our valuable posts in a predigested form. So I am asking you to submit your best neuroscience posts over the next two weeks to me for the first "The Synapse" (a…
There's a new blog carnival on the block, and it goes by the name Mendel's Garden. As you can tell from the name, it's all about genetics. If you have a recent genetics post that you would like to contribute to the first rendition, submit it by Thursday, June 15. Thanks to Paul Decelles at the The force that through... for coming up with this.
Animalcules, a blog carnival about all things microbial, will return next Thursday, June 15th. I have a few entries, and since it's been a month since the last update, I'll happily take 2 entries per person. Send them to me (aetiology AT gmail DOT com), and the earlier, the better, since I'll technically be on vacation next Thursday when it appears. might not know what to do you might have to think of how you got started sittin' in your little room --The White Stripes Welcome to the second incarnation of Neurotopia! The old incarnation can be found here, although lately it has just been a collection of posts where I complain about how Blogger stinks. But no more! Now I'm here on this slick new platform! The SEED overlords pulled a mean trick on me: they set up the new blog launch mere hours before I'm supposed to hit the road and celebrate my 8th anniversary by accompanying Mrs. Evil Monkey to Fallingwater for the weekend.…
For more Sciencebloggers' views on the "brain drain" question, Stochastic has a round-up over here.
A new Tangled Bank is up over at Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Bloggin', and a new edition of the Skeptics' Circle can be found over at The Examining Room of Dr. Charles.
This week's Grand Rounds, a carnival o' medblogging, is up over at The Medical Blog Network. A few notables: Dr. Deborah Serani discusses the benefits of naps; Mylifemypace on how marriage affects a scientific career; the Health Business blog on how George Bush is a louse enabler (OK, or on how No Child Left Behind and some schools' lice policies have come into conflict).