Blog Carnivals

This one snuck up on me (so I forgot to sumbit anything), but check out the latest edition of the Pediatric Grand Rounds blog carnival over at Anxiety, Addiction and Depression Treatments.
Animalcules will return June 15th, but I have a slight glitch--I can't contact the host. So Tala, if you're reading, can you drop me an email? Otherwise, I can just host it here again. In the interim, feel free to send submissions to me as well. If you have more than one, even better, since this will represent a months' worth of microbial goodness.
I'm still not really here (child is feeling better, but have childcare issues today), so in the meantime, I'll point you over to the "justify my funds" roundup at Stochastic. One other housekeeping issue--several of you have commented that TypeKey wasn't recognizing me as being signed up with them. I have been signed up for awhile so I'm not sure what the issue was, but I cleared my old registration and re-registered. Please do keep me posted if there are still any issues that you notice, or if that didn't fix the bug.
A new Grand Rounds is up over at KidneyNotes. Check out what's happened this week in the medical blogosphere.
Find it over at Skeptico; it's been taken over by Skeptico's doppleganger. Hilarity ensues.
Bora has a giant new Tangled Bank over at Science and Politics. He included 4 of my recent entries (*cough* check's in the mail *cough*) and there are tons of others that look interesting, so check it out. He also took this opportunity to announce that he'll be joining us here at scienceblogs soon--so welcome! More posts from me in a bit...out in the field all morning (quite forthcoming).
Check it out over at Parallel Universes. Again, many good posts over there; in particular, I noticed one on the evolution of the polio virus and how that affects vaccination, and another on how early antibiotic use in children may affect their later development of asthma.
I've been offline all weekend, and am a day late in mentioning this, but there's a new Pediatric Grand Rounds up over at Blog, MD.
Welcome to the new edition of Animalcules! First, a few housekeeping notes. If you note the schedule, I've not yet extended it beyond June 1st. I think that, at least for the summer months, Animalcules will be a once-monthly carnival, rather than every other week. If things pick up after that, I'll change it back to the current set-up, but that will be dependent not only on entries but also on additional hosts. So, if you'd like to host in July, August, or September, drop me a line (aetiology AT gmail DOT com) an I'll get you on the schedule. Okay...on to the entries! We have a few…
Don't forget--if you want a post included in tomorrow's edition of Animalcules, send your entries to me (aetiology AT gmail DOT com) today.
Check out this week's best medical-themed blogging over at Doc Around the Clock.
Check it out over at The Second Sight. The theme is "critical thinking crystallized;" very unique!
Check out the latest edition of Tangled Bank is up over at Science Notes--check out the latest in science blogging from the past 2 weeks. Additionally, I'll be hosting Animalcules here next week. Send me your entries by next Wednesday, May 17th.
Tangled Bank 53 has been posted at Science Notes. Go get your science on.
Welcome to Grand Rounds at Aetiology! Grab a cup of joe, take a seat, and enjoy the best of this week's medical blogging. Just make sure to wash your hands when you're never know what's lying around here, between the kids, the dog, and the lab... First, a programming note. Just a few weeks back, our Grand Rounds host was The Fat Doctor. Since then, she has suffered several strokes. As of the time I'm writing this, there hasn't been an update since Friday, but it seems like things are going OK. Check out her blog and please send along your well wishes; though it appears she…
The second edition of Pediatric Grand Rounds is up--and it's already jumped in size. An excellent set of posts not only for those interested in pediatrics, but also parents in general.
The grand overlords behind ScienceBlogs are asking us: If you could cause one invention from the last hundred years never to have been made at all, which would it be, and why? That's simple, atomic weapons. Not only for the damage they have cause, but for the perpetual state of fear they put us in because of the morons responsible for making the decisions regarding their use.
Sorry in advance about the shameless self-promotion. As mentioned, I'm hosting Grand Rounds next week (so be sure to get your entries in). Each week, the originator of the carnival, Dr. Nicolas Genes, posts a bit about the host on Medscape ("Pre-Rounds"); here's my interview for anyone interested. Additionally, for those of you in the Iowa City area, I'll be speaking at this month's Cafe Scientifique (the final one of the year) on the topic "Avian Influenza: What's The Big Deal?" The details: Time: Thursday, 11 May 2006 5:00 - 6:00 PM Cottage Bakery and Cafe, 14 S. Linn St. Stop by…
The latest edition of Animalcules, the microbial blog carnival, is up over at Discovering Biology in a Digital World. A nice little collection today; and for those of you who are interested in stuff for the kiddos, be sure to check out her links to the American Society for Microbiology's Microbe World activities. Another programming note--I'll be back out playing with cows for much of the day today. Have a few posts scheduled, but I won't be around much if comments need approved, etc. Please be patient--thanks!
Hey, it's up! Check it out and, as mentioned, Clark at Unintelligent Design is taking submissions through Saturday for the next Pediatric Grand Rounds.