Blog Contest

... drumroll please.... . .. ... .... ..... I'M IN! I feel so honored to be chosen as one of the top 9 finalists! Go check out the post that made it: Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs Of course, there are some FANTASTIC posts in the top set with me. Go check out all of them! They include my fellow sciblings Jason and Eric, as well as other great bloggers like Ed, Margaret and Carl. Basically, it's a list of everyone I mentioned before, plus a couple of other ones just for kicks ;) Congrats to all, and good luck to everyone! I can't wait to see who Dawkins picks as the Top Quark!
Sorry to be so late to the announcement party - my stupid, f-cking lovely computer has decided that it doesn't feel like connecting to the internets anymore, so I'm a little hard up for online time. Anyhoo, thank you to everyone who voted for Observations of a Nerd! Thanks to you, my post "Evolution: The Curious Case Of Dogs" has made it to the semi-final round. You can see all the other semi-finalists here. There's some stiff competition in there, notably from fellow generalist sci-blogger Ed Yong, my favorite botanist Margaret, and a slew of scibling like Scicurious, Jason Goldman, and…
If you read this blog, odds are you appreciate those who write about peer-reviewed research. You might have even noticed that little check-mark page image on the upper left hand side of some of my posts: that handy image lets you know that that blog post has been registered with, a FANTASTIC site which collects posts from all over the web about all kinds of scientific research. Well, now they've decided it's time to reward the best of the best in research blogging, so they're giving out cash prizes in all kinds of categories. Any blog that has included peer reviewed…