Kavli Science Video Contest Top 20 Finalists Have Been Selected- Now Who will Win the "People's Choice" Vote?

The Kavli Science Video Contest has wrapped up with over 260 entries! Now its time for the People's Choice Vote, in advance of the awards ceremony on April 29, in Washington, DC, as part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival. People's Choice Voting begins April 2 and closes April 13. Voting is easy, just view the videos on YouTube and click 'like" for your favorites. Click here to view the videos.

We will be highlighting the Top 20 Finalists on our blog for the next two weeks. In today's blog get to know the first five of the top 20 Finalists:


Entrant: Rachit Agarwal, 14
Entry: "Rachit Robot"
Rachit Agarwal.jpg
Where do you go to school? Roberto Clemente Middle School, Germantown, MD
What are your favorite subjects? Computer Science and Science
Can you tell us what inspired you to make this video? My passion for robotics and scientific curiosity to solve problems
What do you want to study in college? Engineering & Business
Which college? MIT, Stanford, or Harvard
What kind of career do you want to pursue? Engineering Entrepreneur

Entrant: Cameron Quon, 17
Entry: "Solar Power, Saving With Solar
Where do you go to school? Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California
What are your favorite subjects? TV Production, Science, Math, and English
Can you tell us what inspired you to make this video? 10 of the schools in our district began putting up solar panels over our parking lots this year. Creating a video relating to science and engineering seemed to fit perfectly with this project.
What do you want to study in college? I want to major in broadcast journalism as a pre-med.
What kind of career do you want to pursue?
I want to combine my love for broadcast journalism, my avid interest in medicine, my excitement for traveling abroad, and my love for Jesus into a career as a medical news-correspondent/broadcast-journalist with an active medical practice. I yearn to open the eyes of the world through the eye of the lens.

Entrants: Kevin Liberman,17 Anna Spitz, 17, Amit Silverstein,18, Alex Neiman, 16
Entry: "Saving the World"
Kevin, Anna, Amit, Alex.jpg
Where do you go to school? Tarbut V' Torah (TVT) in Irvine, California
What are your favorite subjects? Math , Physics, Engineering
Can you tell us what inspired you to make this video? I wanted to make a video about promoting alternative fuels because I envision that it will play a large role in making our lives greener and better. (Alex) To help the environment and help our school's engineering club (Anna) I want to help make others aware of possible solutions to our environmental challenges.( Amit) I am passionate about automobiles, alternative fuels and, as a future engineer, I want to make a difference in this world. That is why I enrolled in AP Environmental Science, started a Science and Engineering club at my school, and recruited my friends to make this video with me. I hope you enjoy it! ( Alex)
What kind of career(s) do you want to pursue? Engineering (ALL)

Entrant: Kyle Davis, 17
Entry: Saving the World
Where do you go to school? Oakleaf High School, Orange Park, FL
What are your favorite subjects? Environmental Science, 3D animation
Can you tell us what inspired you to make this video? A movie not out yet called "Chasing Ice" a documentary about ice caps melting and I felt like I could really get the word out through this video contest.
Which college? Full Sail University to study 3-D computer animation

Entrant: Sreya Vangara, 12
Entry: Nuclear Fusion
Where do you go to school? Roberto Clemente Middle School, Germantown, MD
What are your favorite subjects? Science, Math, English, Spanish, Computer Science
Can you tell us what inspired you to make this video? I actually came across this contest while checking out a link to the U.S. Sci. Festival that my science teacher gave to me. We are actually going to the festival on a field trip. I decided to enter the contest, but didn't know what to make the video on. Later, while I was working on a science project on Nuclear Fusion, I decided to make my video on Nuclear Fusion. I mean, why not? I could get my video and project research done at the same time! I went through a lot of trial and error getting the soundtrack (voice) in. But it was worth it!!! I actually had fun doing it! Of course, science is fun...
What do you want to study in college? I want to major in Computer Science, Science (physics), and Math. I really love science! I also want to learn lots of foreign languages so I can travel the world and be a member of UN (I'm on my way! English, Telugu, and some of Spanish down! ) Or, I will major in law so I can be president when I grow up (my dream!) The first woman (and Indian) president.

Thank you to all of the entries for the 2012 Kavli Foundation "Save the World Through Science & Engineering" Video Contest!!


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The Kavli Science Video Contest has wrapped up with over 260 entries! Now it's time for the People's Choice Vote, in advance of the awards ceremony on April 29, in Washington, DC, as part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival. Voting is easy, just view the videos on YouTube and click '…
The Kavli Science Video Contest has wrapped up with over 260 entries! Now it's time for the People's Choice Vote, in advance of the awards ceremony on April 29, in Washington, DC, as part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival. People's Choice Voting begins April 2 and closes April 13.…
The Kavli Science Video Contest has wrapped up with over 260 entries! Now it's time for the People's Choice Vote, in advance of the awards ceremony on April 29, in Washington, DC, as part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival. People's Choice Voting begins April 2 and closes April 13.…
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To Kavli Video Competition Organizers: I went through the videos posted in this blog as well as your next blog postings. I liked some of them; however I think that the number of âLikeâ(s) on some of the videos is not justifiable (at least from logical/rational perspective). Since the award is based on number of âLikesâ, I am suspecting a foul play such as creation of fake IDs and checking âLikeâ. Is there any way you can detect the fraud such as too many IDs coming from same IP. I understand you may get many logins from the same IP, which belongs to School or Lab, but otherwise there should not be too many hits from same IP/region
If students or related person is cheating, then I believe the purpose of this completion is defeated. Parents and the Organization like yours have moral responsibility to teach Students ethical values and honesty, which should take higher priority than Science itself. Please make it sure that the integrity and reputation of the competition is maintained when you announce such type of awards (youtube âPeople's choiceâ award.)

To Kavli Video Competition Organizers: I went through the videos posted in this blog as well as your next blog postings. I liked some of them; however I think that the number of âLikeâ(s) on some of the videos is not justifiable (at least from logical/rational perspective). Since the award is based on number of âLikesâ, I am suspecting a foul play such as creation of fake IDs and checking âLikeâ. Is there any way you can detect the fraud such as too many IDs coming from same IP. I understand you may get many logins from the same IP, which belongs to School or Lab, but otherwise there should not be too many hits from same IP/region
If students or related person is cheating, then I believe the purpose of this completion is defeated. Parents and the Organization like yours have moral responsibility to teach Students ethical values and honesty, which should take higher priority than Science itself. Please make it sure that the integrity and reputation of the competition is maintained when you announce such type of awards (youtube âPeople's choiceâ award.)

Thank you Nancy for your comment. There is no way that we can monitor youtube user accounts and we believe that the students entering this contest understand what is right and wrong. Also, three winners will be selected by a panel of judges and there is only one "People's Choice Award" winner. It is meant to be fun and to give the students exposure for all of their hard work. Thank you for voting!

By Carly O'Brien (not verified) on 10 Apr 2012 #permalink