
36th Philosophers' Carnival: Tzadikim Edition is up on What is it like to be a blog. Carnivalesque XVIII is up on Blogenspiel.
Beyond nest eggs: I and the Bird #33 is up on Don't Mess With Taxes.
The 44th Skeptics' Circle is now up on Salto sobrius.
The Indian Cowboy has put up Tangled Bank #63.
Tangled Bank #63 is up on OK So I'm Not Really A Cowboy. Carnival of the Liberals #22 is up on Writings On The Wall. The 86th edition of The Carnival Of Education is up on The Education Wonks. The 39th Carnival of Homeschooling: Autumn Edition is up on PalmTree Pundit.
Radiology Grand Rounds-IV, now up on Sumer's Radiology Site
You are going to love the latest Circus of the Spineless, now up on Deep Sea News!
Encephalon #7 is up at OmniBrain. Remember to submit to the Synapse this weekend to be hosted at Mind Hacks.
Encephalon #7 is up on Omni Brain
I really need to start using one of those online calendars, like Google calendar or something....I have, again, signed up to host two carnivals on the same day! This probably means that both will have to be done the "regular" way without too much creativity. Ah, well! So, next Sunday, October 1st, I will be hosting the 13th edition of the Teaching Carnival, the blog carnival devoted to Higher Ed, teaching at the college level, and the life in Academia. So, if you are either giving or receiving instruction of any kind in college or beyond, and have a story to tell, let me know by Saturday,…
Carnival of Bad History #9 is up on World History Blog. Friday Ark #105 is up on Modulator
Hey! Go read these! You can talk about anything you want in the comments! Animalcules #2 Friday Ark #105 Carnival of Education #85 Next week's Tangled Bank will be hosted at OK so I'm not really a cowboy. Send your links directly to, or to, or to me. Any new volunteers to host? The next open slots are available in February and later.
23rd Carnival of Feminists is up on Lingual Tremors
Change of Shift, the nursing carnival, has ventured out to a new host. The 7th edition is now up on kt.
Just a reminder to submit some neuroscience-related blog posts to the carnival Encephalon! Its a round-up of recent brain-blogging and is usually very high-quality stuff. It is currently being hosted over at OmniBrain, and submission guidelines can be found here. Submit before the 25th for consideration. All the cool kids are doing it.
Carnival of Education #85 is up on The Median Sib Carnival of Homeschooling Week 38: The Five W's and One H, is up on The Thinking Mother
This June 01, 2005 post from Science And Politics has been reposted (with mild edits) at several different places by me and others, including on June 01, 2005 on Idea Consultants and on June 10, 2005 on DailyKos. This post, in some way, turned me into some kind of carnival "guru".... What is a blog carnival? A blog carnival is a blog-post that contains links to posts on other blogs. How does that differ from a linkfest, or for that matter from most of the stuff that early blogs (and many blogs today) routinely did? In the early days of blogs, there was no original content - blogs WERE…
Grand Rounds, v.2, n.52 is up on Tundra Medicine Dreams. Gorgeous pictures from Alaska and the best of medical blogging. The Synapse v.1, n.7 is up on GNIF Brain Blogger
Alun Salt of the wonderful Archaeoastronomy blog has started a weekly roundup of blogposts about the past. Check out Vidi-1 and Vidi-2. Who knows, if this catches on and others get interested, Vidi may become a real carnival, rotating hosts and everything....
Animalcules v.1, n.12 is up on Viva La Evolucion Carnival of the Godless #49 is up on Grounded In Reality