climate crocks
Climate Crocks has a new video out about Sandy and the unusual weather patterns that allowed its formation.
Good stuff!
All the pundit chatter and the Bloomberg news coming out on the side of reality does give one hope that from the ashes of Battery Point climate change mitigation policy might rise. I do however recall the same attention and promise after the Hurricane Katrina debacle, and well, we all know how far that got us.
Hope springs eternal, but also "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..."
Who thinks Sandy and its warning will stick?
Non-lord Christopher Monkton is out and about again after laying low for a while, calling people nazis, using his Pink Portcullis coat of arms, etc.
Greenman has a short video on that, though I must say I found more interesting the clips and content on James Delingpole. I must say he does not come out looking too good in that!
Seriously though, it is a perfect analogy no wonder he faltered and stuttered like he just woke up from one of those dreams where you are naked in a crowd only to find it was no dream. I actually felt embarrased for him!
Think he mistook this cartoon as a "How To"…
From greenman3610, Climate Crock of the Week gives a thorough review and debunking of "hide the decline" including the latest on Muller and the BEST project.
Also, if you are interested in the unfolding nuclear calamity in Japan, ClimateCrocks blog has been providing great coverage.
More entertaining than informative, greenman's latest Crock of the Week surveys the history of climate change in the movies!
Gotta dust off those old Mad Max VHS tapes again...