
I've been working, somewhat shambolically I must admit, on organizing a first-ever, hopefully-inaugural Urban Honking lecture and reading event. This is something I have been wanting to do ever since I gave a Universe Power Point (on Unarius) at the "Talk Talk Talk" night that the L.A. Historical Girl's and Boy's Club used to put on in my ol' hometown, Los Angeles. It was such a good idea: getting smart people together in a bar until all hours, listening to short presentations and talks like taking part in a symposium was the most evident thing in the world. This will be slightly different…
The ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose Challenge is now officially over, and Janet Stemwedel has the results at Adventures in Ethics and Science: 195 of you made donations. Together, those donations added up to $16,097.27. You also helped 4 of the 19 challenges meet their goals, securing an additional 10% of the totals raised in those challenges ($841.53) from DonorsChoose. Thus, with the $10,000 match from SEED, you've raised $26,938.80 to help students and teachers get what they need to make education happen. I'd like to send a special thanks to the four generous donors who gave a total of $345…
The latest word on the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose fundraising challenge is that as of Tuesday the total amount of donations had reached $12,325.59, plus $10,000 in matching funds from Seed. Here at The Scientific Activist we've raised $345.00 in generous donations, bringing us to 7% of our ambitious goal of $5,000. That's great progress, but I know we can do even better than that! It's a great cause--helping to bring quality science education into our schools--and any donation, regardless of its size, is a positive step forward. To donate, click here! "…
As I've spent my entire weekend alternatively sitting in front of a ginormous magnet running NMR experiments and in front of a computer screen analyzing the data from those experiments, the blogging has unfortunately been light. However, I just wanted to give a quick update on the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose Fundraising Drive that we kicked off last Thursday here on ScienceBlogs. The most detailed rundown of the progress so far can be found at Adventures in Ethics and Science, although it's about a day old now. By midday yesterday, as a group ScienceBlogs had already raised $8498.73 to help…
OK, people, here's your chance to help out science and math classrooms with much needed funding and to show everybody here at ScienceBlogs that The Scientific Activist has the best damn readers around! To donate to a worthy cause, click here. The ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose raise-money-to-help-science-classrooms-a-thon! Those of us who blog here at ScienceBlogs think science is cool, important, and worth understanding. If you're reading the blogs here, chances are you feel the same way. A lot of us fell in love with science because of early experiences in school -- teachers who made science…
This is a plug for an event that the Oxford University Biochemical Society is putting together. This Monday, June 12th, at 4:00 pm the Oxford University Biochemical Society will be hosting a talk by Nobel Laureate Robert Huber in the University Museum (on Parks Road). The topic of the talk will be "Molecular machines for protein degradation", and more information on Huber and the 1988 Nobel Prize in Chemistry can be found here.