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Meeting Announcment HTML Email Including the classic anti-quack essay "DRIVE THE PSEUDOS OUT OF THE WORKSHOP OF SCIENCE," by the late J. A. Wheeler, albeit in a nearly unreadable format. (tags: science stupid medicine psychology physics quantum) Fighting Gossip With Graphics :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs Princeton accentuates the positive. (tags: academia education society culture internet) Large Hadron Collider - Risk of a Black Hole - Dennis Overbye - Physics - New York Times People who aren't crazy think about the odds. (tags: physics…
A thought -- Words Words Words -- The Dream Cafe Weblog "If President Bush has sunk lower than others, it is only because he is being stood on by giants." (tags: US politics silly) Mythbusters' Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage | The A.V. Club Zombie Feynman says it's science, and that's good enough for me. (tags: science television education society culture gadgets experiment) Poll results: look who's doping : Nature News "One in five respondents[ to a poll in Nature] said they had used drugs for non-medical reasons to stimulate their focus, concentration or memory." (tags: science news…
Satisfying application of physics Another great idea for an intro mechanics lab. (tags: physics academia education experiment science) Michigan laser beam believed to set record for intensity Includes a great lab-porn picture of the laser in action. (tags: science physics optics news experiment) 'U.S. News' Adds Surveys That Could Alter Methodology :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs "The magazine has sent out surveys to 1,600 high school counseling offices asking them to evaluate colleges, and the results may be used in next year's rankings. Or…
Most powerful laser in the world fires up "The Texas Petawatt laser reached greater than one petawatt of laser power on Monday morning, March 31," Good thing, or they'd feel pretty dumb about the name. (tags: physics optics science news) Cats Laughing Everybody's favorite band of SF authors, on the Intenet. (tags: SF music internet) Affirmative Action Challenged Anew :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs (tags: academia diversity race education politics US law) Researchers take step toward creating quantum computers using entangled photons in…
Administrating « Confused at a higher level "Why did I say yes to the Dean when he asked whether I would take on this position? He made the request/offer to me a week after calling me to let me know I had tenure -- he claimed that this gave me a fair shot at saying no." (tags: academia society culture science physics math education) College Isn't Worth a Million Dollars :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs Squabbling over how much more a college graduate earns than a high-school graduate. This completely ignores quality-of-life issues. (tags:…
In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop - New York Times "To be sure, there is no official diagnosis of death by blogging, and the premature demise of two people obviously does not qualify as an epidemic. " (tags: blogs writing journalism society culture computing internet) Calorimeters for High Energy Physics experiments - part 1 « A Quantum Diaries Survivor A detailed exploration of high energy physics hardware. (tags: physics experiment science) Meteorites delivered the 'seeds' of Earth's left-hand life This seems to be a narrow argument about chirality, rather than…
PHD Comics: Campus architecture "Sure, the could have built three building for the same price, but those buildings would be functional and non-leaking." (tags: academia comics silly) Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing "I once met a lady named Rodana. I think she runs a successful internet business." "In her spare time she destroys Tokyo." (tags: culture silly stupid society) Swans on Tea » Don't Waste Your Money Do you really need a 576 megapixel digital camera? (tags: physics optics pictures science biology gadgets)
Inactive kids face 6-fold risk of heart disease by teen years, study finds Correlation or causation? (tags: education medicine US social-science science news) Reassigned Time: PSEUDONYMITY is not Anonymity, duh "Pseudonymity is not about being untraceable but rather about taking on a traceable identity that is distinct from one's legal identity, or one's identity at birth. It's about taking on a "pen name," a name that people can follow, and by extension a way o (tags: blogs academia writing society culture)
VQR » The Christian with Four Aces A biography of the deeply creepy and corrupt Pat Robertson. (tags: culture religion television journalism politics US society) Coming to New York, a Science Event for the Masses - New York Times "Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, who described himself as being from Muppet Labs, extolled the family-oriented programs. The most important thing they could show, he said, was "that science can be as explosive and violent as any TV program."" (tags: science education news meetings academia society culture) World Science Festival -- World Science Festival 2008 - Five Day…
Analytics According to Captain Kirk A detailed statistical analysis of the Red Shirt Phenomenon in Star Trek. (tags: articles economics math psychology statistics television SF silly science)
Anil Dash: Your April Fool's Day Joke Continues to Suck "The exception, of course, is if you're doing something truly hysterical or on a magnificent scale. But I fear we won't run into too many of those." (tags: blogs internet society stupid) Practical Jokes - Psychology - April Fool! The Purpose of Pranks - New York Times "In a paper published last year, three psychologists argued that the sensation of being duped -- anger, self-blame, bitterness -- was such a singular cocktail that it forced an uncomfortable kind of self-awareness. How much of a dupe am I? Where are my (tags: psychology…
Hackers Assault Epilepsy Patients via Computer People suck. (tags: internet computing medicine evil stupid) Word Munger » One-letter google searches The alphabet, according to Google. (tags: internet computing silly) The Gashlycrumb Tinies "M is for Maud who was swept out to sea/ N is for Neville who dies of ennui" (tags: books comics silly art literature) Researchers study why high school boys dodge 'Phys Ed' '"Often boys who don't feel at ease are terrified to go to the locker room or class, fearing they will be mocked for their size, their lack of athletic prowess, or that they…
Talk Like A Physicist | Talk Like A Physicist 3.14 » A water balloon not exploding in high-speed Possibly even cooler than a water balloon exploding at high speed. (tags: physics video youtube science) THE FIVE WAYS OF PROVING SANTA CLAUS After Aquinas. (tags: silly humanities culture society religion) Boing Boing's Moderation Policy - Boing Boing How it's done, by the best in the business. (tags: culture internet blogs society) Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » DM of the Rings I:The Copious Backstory The Lord of the Rings movies as a hack-and-slash D&D campaign. (tags: comics…
The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You | Oh shit! Run! (tags: animals biology psychology video science silly) Asking a Judge to Save the World, and Maybe a Whole Lot More - New York Times Crazy people seek an injunction to keep the LHC from destroying the universe. (tags: physics science stupid) Of Two Minds : Science on Television : Ask a ScienceBlogs Reader "If you could be in charge of a new program on the channel of your choice and had an unlimited budget what kind of show would you create?" (tags: blogs science television society culture education) The Quantum…
Anachronista: The Simpsons Bayeux Tapestry Couch Scene It's missing the comet... (tags: silly television video) Good Math, Bad Math : Introduction to Linear Regression The basics of data fitting. (tags: science math) Quantum Decoherence Reduction by Increasing the Thermal Bath Temperature A counter-intuitive result. (tags: physics quantum science theory articles) Condensate Fraction in a 2D Bose Gas Measured across the Mott-Insulator Transition Some quantum phase transition results from my old group at NIST (tags: physics quantum optics low-temperature science experiment articles)…
There are fewer of them this time, so I'll keep them above the fold. Graphene makes for better optical displays - "According to the same group of researchers that first fabricated the 2D sheets of carbon nearly four years ago, graphene has the ideal optical properties to form the transparent electrodes in liquid crystal displays (LCDs)." (tags: href="">physics href="">materials href="">science href="">experiment href="http…
You may or may not have noticed the absence of the "Links for [Date]" posts the last couple of days. There's been some sort of glitch at, and they didn't auto-post the way they usually do. You may or may not have missed them, but I do, so below the fold you'll find the big long list of stuff that would've posted, had things worked as usual (many thanks to Kate for cleaning up the HTML from the source)): Physics and Physicists: Accelerator in a Bowl A nifty tabletop demonstration of a particle accelerator, using a ping-pong ball and a salad bowl. (tags: href="http://…
Relativity: Measuring the speed of light « Skulls in the Stars A history of experiments through the ages. (tags: precision-measurement experiment history science) Nanocrystals could help recover waste heat - "[T]he thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) for the ingots increased to 1.2 at room temperature (from a value of 1.0 previously). Moreover, they found that the ZT peaks at 1.4 at 100 °C." (tags: physics materials science news energy experiment nano) Unsolicited Advice, Part Six: Talking to the Media | Cosmic Variance A guide to discussing scientific issues with…
Security Beat The DHS gets security advice from Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and David Brin. I feel safer already. (tags: stupid SF war US politics) States' Data Obscure How Few Finish High School - New York Times "Like Mississippi, many states use an inflated graduation rate for federal reporting requirements under the No Child Left Behind law and a different one at home. As a result, researchers say, federal figures obscure a dropout epidemic so severe that only (tags: education politics US academia) Antihydrogen Production within a Penning-Ioffe Trap Using magnetic fields to trap the…
Backreaction: Experimental Traffic Jams More detail on the Japanese simulation of Washington, DC. (tags: physics science experiment video youtube) What is the matter with the universe? - Telegraph An article on CP violation experiments, which is pretty good, but might be dated=-- I thought BaBar was shut down? (tags: physics experiment science) Supersymmetry could be seen in ultracold atoms - A bit of over-enthusiastic titling-- something analagous to one sort of super-symmetry might be able to be simulated in BEC's at some point in the future. (tags: physics theory…