links for 2008-04-04


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You may or may not have noticed the absence of the "Links for [Date]" posts the last couple of days. There's been some sort of glitch at, and they didn't auto-post the way they usually do. You may or may not have missed them, but I do, so below the fold you'll find the big long list of…
Geocentrism: Was Galileo Wrong? : Starts With A Bang No. An exhaustive explanation of how we know the Earth goes around the Sun. (tags: science astronomy physics planets blogs starts-with-bang stupid education) Testing, the Chinese Way - "Professor Cizek, who started his career as a…
Stephen Huneck Gallery at Dog Mountain Vermont " I wanted to build a chapel, one that celebrated the spiritual bond we have with our dogs, and that would be open to dogs and people. People of any faith or belief system." (tags: dog religion art animals) Such Madness - New York Times Let the hype…
illuminating science » What should we learn? "should we teach the "standard" methods for doing multiplication and division (the usual multiplication ("carry the 3â³ etc) and the usual long division) or are students would be better off learning more "intuitive" methods?" (tags: math education…