
It's been cephalopod week, and on Science Friday, they featured our old friend, the vampire squid.
This one isn't about the picture; go listen to the singing of the bats.
What? You only play in two dimensions? You're doomed, pathetic human. TONMO
I was watching this, and thinking, "Man, octopus can dance." If I could have moved like that, I might not have sullenly sat out the disco era.
The Vancouver Aquarium brought two octopuses together, and they didn't delay at all -- within minutes, it was…boom chicka wow wow. Totally not safe for work. Not the video, but if you watch this, you might well end up gnawing on your fist and moaning and whimpering right where you are.
Rosario Scariati
In case you're wondering how they get that way…
Institut Jacques Monod
Acanthaspis petax, a type of assassin bug, stacks dead ant bodies on its back to confuse predators. Photo by Mohd Rizal Ismail
You know, fear of holes…it doesn't bother me at all, but about 20 seconds into this video, you'll see a pocked surface suddenly erupt into mouths on wormlike stalks, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for any trypophobia induced heart attacks. Oh, and everything after 1:50 — you might die. (via Mother Nature Network)
Australian Geographic