
Some people actually do keep octopuses as pets; it's not easy, and it's heartbreaking when they die. They always die.
Ocean Defender Foundation
Intimate Portraits of Bees
Nautilus Live
It's cold and windy out there, and I can't feel my toes right now, and so I'm thinking… Yeah.
The Horse's Mouth Say…has she painted her fingernails to match the mottling pattern of the octopus's skin? I find that strangely attractive.
Microscopic Images We've got a blizzard on the way. Plants do not exist in an uncrystallized state right now.
Featured Creature See it live around the 2 minute mark here:
But then, if you want to repel nuisances, I guess being disgusting is a good strategy. Six Seriously Strange Animal Adaptations
Real Monstrosities For perspective, it's roughly 10 meters long.
Featured Creature
Stephanie Bush
The cephalopod with the most impressively Goth name ever — Vampyroteuthis infernalis — turns out to be all show and no fangs. It still looks awesome.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution