
Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.).
tags: arachnid, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Scorpion species (but which one?) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the West 77th street entrance to the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
Tammar Wallaby (Macropus eugenii).
There's actually a use for onion peel. Wrap it around an egg, wrap egg and peel in aluminium foil, and boil the egg the usual way. Red onion peel dyes the shell yellow, while yellow onion peel dyes it deeper tones of brown and orange.
tags: Osteichthyes, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife These are tropical marine anenomefishes, Amphiprion species, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the downtown-bound landing of the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: birds,California Condor, Gymnogyps californianus, ornithology, Image of the Day California condor, Gymnogyps californianus, #97, flying over Bright Angel Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, August 2006. Image: Jeff Lanam. [larger size].
Red-Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens).
tags: Decapoda, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife These are two marine crab species (which ones? and the one on the left appears to have eggs coating her upper carapace) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the downtown-bound landing of the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
An Amur leopard, Panthera pardus orientalis.
tags: Osteichthyes, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife This is a tropical marine fish species (which one?) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the downtown-bound landing of the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
Tai Shan, a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
tags: Osteichthyes, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife A great barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the downtown-bound landing of the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
Hippopotamus amphibius
tags: echinodermata, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Perhaps this is a bat star, Asterina miniata? as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the downtown-bound landing of the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. The doctors instructed me to move my lower arm around without moving my upper arm at all, as a form of physical therapy, to make sure I don't lose my range of motion and fine motor skills in my left hand and arm. Well, that assignment seemed the perfect excuse to get out there and start…
A pair of wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) playing at the Bronx Zoo (I apologize that it's a bit blurry). As you might have seen in the last post, my computers and camera were stolen this past weekend so I have lost 99% of all the photos I've taken over the past two years. I still have a few I had burned to discs, though, so even though I don't know when I'll be able to take more photographs (being I have no camera) I'll still have some fodder for the Photo of the Day.
tags: fish, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Numerous species of fishes on the floor as portrayed in tiles on the floors of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. After the orthopedic surgeon has finished making me scream for the day (hopefully, no surgery will be scheduled), I plan to visit the subway entrance at West 77th and Central Park West to capture more images to share with you. There are at least ten more images at that entrance, unless I photograph each and every one of…
tags: WTC, World Trade Center, iron cross, NYC, NYCLife The iron cross, salvaged from Ground Zero after the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists on 11 September 2001, is located in Inwood, borough of Manhattan, NYC. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. WTC Iron cross plaque in Inwood, borough of Manhattan, NYC. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size].
The following is another post from the "old" bioephemera (originally published June 18, 2007). Last weekend I discovered Seattle's Gas Works Park. By accident. And ended up on a tour through the derelict gasworks - led by the park's designer, Richard Haag. The structures are fenced off, so I got the impression this was an unusual privilege. Fortunately my camera's battery wasn't completely exhausted, though I was torn between taking photos and listening to Haag recount his efforts several decades ago to convince the city that this industrial site could be bioremediated. Among his persuasive…
tags: astronomy, solar system, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Since I am having trouble getting out to roam the city and take pictures, I thought I'd return us to the upstairs subway platform at AMNH for a couple days to look at a few pieces that I haven't yet shared with you. Solar system as portrayed in tiles on the stairway leading down into the NYC subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. The lighting over this landing makes this mosaic difficult to photograph, unfortunately, since it is quite…
Sasha, a male Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) at the Bronx zoo.