A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

She'll be a honeybee:
About half have already been posted: #27: Brachiopods #26: Pig Butt Worm #25: Crawling Crinoids #24: Tube Worms #23: Dumbo Octopus #22: Xenophyophores #21: Phronima #20: Swimming Sea Cucumbers #19: Black Devil Anglerfish #18: Venus Fly-trap Anemone #17: Tripod fish, Bathypterois #16: Chaunax, the red-eyed gaper #15: Spookfish, Rhinochimaera pacifica #14: Alviniconcha, the Hairy Vent Snail Keep checking for others....
Q: why does my daughter gets inspired to shoot movies exactly on those days when the house is a total mess?
Yikes! How did I miss it this year?! It's TODAY! The International Rock-Flipping Day: International Rock-Flipping Day, September 2, 2007 It's International Rock-Flipping Day! If you haven't flipped yet, please review the guidelines. Be sure to replace all flipped rocks, and do so as carefully as possible: if rocks aren't returned to their exact footprint, some of the creatures underneath them may be crushed. We also advise wearing gloves as protection against poisonous snakes, spiders, and scorpions, if that's a concern in your area. If you don't have a blog (and even if you do), you can…
by Coturnietta...
The two dogs are getting friendlier with each other lately:
The pillow seems comfortable: But the router is warmer:
Now the only cat in the house, Biscuit is the Queen again: