Pig Screwer

(from oldamericancentury.org)Conservative activist keeping a sharp eye out for Democratic Google Bombers Majikthise reminds us to join Operation Google Bomb. If you want to join, the html code is here. You'll find some very interesting articles about some not very nice people in the next paragraph. --AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl --AZ-01: Rick Renzi --AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth --CA-04: John Doolittle --CA-11: Richard Pombo --CA-50: Brian Bilbray --CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave --CO-05: Doug Lamborn --CO-07: Rick O'Donnell --CT-04: Christopher Shays --FL-13: Vernon Buchanan --FL-16: Joe Negron --FL-22: Clay Shaw --…
In the Tennessee Senate race, the Republicans have been viciously playing the race card. They have been referring to Democrat Harold Ford as 'Fancy' Ford because he, a single black man, has dated...white women (note: 'fancy' is an old Southernism for, at best, a lothario, and, at worst, a pimp). Now, the Republicans (the NRCC) have run an ad where they point this out. Even the candidate is publicly protesting the ad (although he's probably loving it in private). So, this week, one of those helpless white female victims of Ford commented on l'affair du Fancy: But all of this - this focus…
Political ads are hardly great film making. But this ad about the Idaho congressional race will make anyone laugh, regardless of his or her political leanings. Nobody likes Republican Bill Sali...
Some stupid is so powerful that it can only be viewed safely through the StupidViewer 9000 (from here) Here's a joke: a Republican staffer of a conservative Christian Republican goes into a synagogue and tells the congregation that his candidate is more Jewish than they are. It's not very funny, and, sadly, it's true. You see, Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth of Arizona has a slight Jewish problem. It started when he supported Henry Ford's Americanization program, claiming that Ford's program was only trying to get immigrants to speak English. What is the Americanization program?…
A while ago, I posted about "The List", which was a list of gay Republicans being shopped around to various news media, of all political persuasions. I noted that this was going to get really ugly. Well, someone just outed Republican Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho. And if the allegations are true, then he lived a very pathetic, closeted life. I knew this was going to happen. It's going to get really, really ugly. I don't think it's done yet, either. And there are potential political ramifications too. If the allegations prove true, Craig will probably still keep his Senate seat. But this…
...Al-NAMBLA? (which refers to this) driftglass explains: Americans have many questions tonight. Americans are asking: Who was the pervert that solicited sex from this page? The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated Republican organizations known as al NAMBLA. They are the same Republicans who stood by the Rotting Corpse of Tom DeLay; the same Republicans who stood by while Jack Abramoff looted and perverted the American government. Al NAMBLA is to Republican Powerbrokering what the mafia is to crime. But its goal is not merely making money; its goal is…
You might have heard of the group at Princeton which demonstrated how easy it is to crack the Diebold electronic voting machines. They have released a video that shows just how easy it is to conduct electoral fraud. Very chilling. The video (YouTube link below) has to be seen to be believed.
Ann Althouse, law professor and asshole extraordinaire, has decreed that Standing Straight Up with Breasts is whorish. Jessica Valenti from Feministing had a meeting with Bill Clinton and other bloggers--here's the photo. I bring this up because women can't be the only ones who decry this age-old smear tactic of calling women whores when all else fails, including the legitimacy of your arguments. We men have to decry this too. In a related vein, I once explained to someone that Jews can't be the only ones who decry anti-Semitism: of course, we're going to oppose it--it's what people who…
(from here) ...we're just distorting the history of 9/11. It will help us get in good with the Bush Administration!
Damn. Just watch the ad. That is how you hit back against sliming. Now if only Democratic consultants would do this more often...
In a move to outsource and privatize everything in the federal government, ABC has formed a private-public partnership with the Bush Administration to spew Republican propaganda (it's bad enough when the Republicans do it on the taxpayer's dime). John Aravosis writes: Good God, and they're sending a copy of the film and a letter to 100,000 American high school teachers written by - who? - the REPUBLICAN chair of the 9/11 Commission. Not the Democrat and the Republican, just the Republican. And a Republican whose son is running for the US Senate seat in New Jersey - oh yeah, no conflict…
During his 2004 presidential bid, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) called his bus tour 'The Straight Talk Express.' One of his signature issues that fit into his campaign storyline was the McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation, because it allowed him to portray himself as an honest, incorruptable straightshooter. The only problem is that he seems unable to follow the law that he co-wrote. Senator Snuggles has a credibility problem.
...and calls a dark-skinned man of Indian descent a monkey. When viewed with his other forms of sociopathy, I'll ask once again: can the Republicans please nominate a presidential candidate who isn't cracked in the head? (Just in case). From a historical perspective, a VA congressman once referred to Chain Bridge which connects VA and DC as "the longest bridge in the world, since it goes from VA to Africa." That was a few decades ago though. George Allen: he wants to party like it's 1959. Update: Atrios points out that "macaca" is a nasty slur directed at North Africans. Who knew…
No, I'm not describing Joe Lieberman (although, hopefully, I will be). I'm talking about Tom DeLay. Says one of his former lobbyist friends (italics mine): A few lobbyists who helped raise money for Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas)--all of them outside the inner circle of the former Majority Leader--say they'd like the outgoing Congressman to offer them their money back. DeLay, who is fighting an indictment in Texas, announced last week his intention to resign. He is also caught up in the Jack Abramoff scandal, in which some of his former aides have pleaded guilty. His re-election kitty, probably…
It appears that some Lieberman supporters are so frustrated by the internet support for Ned Lamont, they are not only attempting to provoke violence at Lamont events, but are actually behaving violently. From Matt Stoller (italics mine): A large man, around 50 years old or so, then started screaming at Ned, "Are you an Al Sharpton Democrat, or a Bill Clinton Democrat?" Ned was trying to answer, and the gentleman kept yelling. The Lamont press secretary tried to intervene, and meanwhile, the people behind the counter who owned the restaurant were horrified and embarrassed. Then Ned Lamont…
...the neocons had to betray it? Granted, Rolling Stone also published crap by RFK, Jr. But there are some public-domain facts to back up the Rolling Stone article's claim that several neocons tried to prevent a detente with Iran by leaking classified information to Israel (including several indictments). From the Rolling Stone: At the far end of that room, on the morning of February 12th, 2003, a small group of eavesdroppers were listening intently for evidence of a treacherous crime. At the very moment that American forces were massing for an invasion of Iraq, there were indications…
That was the response of the head of Stop the ACLU to publicizing the names, address, and telephone numbers of the Dobrich family who were suing the Indian River School District in Delaware for violating the separation of church and state by using the public schools to indoctrinate students in Christianity. This led to widespread intimidation that ultimately forced the Dobrich family, along with another, unidentified family to move out of the district. Jesus' General decided this would be a perfect opportunity for satire, and so, wrote a letter to Nedd Karieva. Karieva responded (italics…
That's the title of a post by Greg Palast that recounts a massive Republican operation to disenfrachise ten of thousands of voters in Black-majority districts through illegal voter challenges. Many of the targets include servicemen and servicewomen serving overseas. Let's make something clear: this is not a voting 'irregularity.' An irregularity is when the voting machine breaks. This was a deliberate (and if race was used as a criterion, illegal) attempt to prevent legal voters from voting. So how did the scheme work? The Repubican Party, at a cost of several million dollars, sent…
An exchange between Republican Congresscritter Gohmert and decorated veteran Democratic congressman Jack Murtha: Rep. Gohmert: Let me close by saying some have not had nice things to say about our colleague Mr. Murtha, and others wanting to pull out of Iraq quickly. I understand the faithful visitation that he does routinely. So i say thank god for his big heart. I say thank god for his compassion. Thank god for his visits to the wounded. Thank god for his ministering to grieving families. But thank god he was not here and prevailed after the bloodbaths at Normandy and in the Pacific or we…