Things I Wish I Could Afford

PhDs are useful for all kinds of things. Some people become faculty, others go into industry, and some decide to market ridiculously nerdtastic neurologically-based gifts via the internet. Sure, the latter kind may be rare, but a good idea is still a good idea. Welcome to Neuromart, online purveyors of parapanalia related to my favorite organ (the brain, of course!). From brain models (you always wanted one of your very own, didn't you?) to brain candy (the sweet stuff, not the Kids in the Hall movie), Neuromart is sure to keep the dopamine flowing.
Ancient nerd legend has it that anyone in possession of these three things will have REAL ULTIMATE POWER. Its a pin. Its a synapse neuron. Sweet. From now on all my eating and drinking implements will display the chemical structure of their contents. Pong. Batteries. Shirt. Need I say more? Those last two came from the ever-awesome ThinkGeek, but the neuron pin came from an amazing site aptly-named Neuromart. Neuromart contains items of such phenomenal nerditude that I died a little inside that I didn't think of it first. Neuromart, I salute you. Hat tips to Charlie and darkman.
Ok, so maybe I exaggerated a little bit on the GFP part, but these chairs really do glow! Called AfterGlow, this line of deck chairs from Douglas Homer is made of 100% post-consumer recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE) and glows in the dark.
How nerdelicious-cool are these "genes?" I want some! These are the "Recessive" variety. Sadly, they're quite expensive. Small price to pay for a double-helix on your butt, I say. Read about the brand here.
Link Save Pluto Link Link How about: "Pluto is For Lovers" "Pluto: Voted Off the Solar System" "I'd Rather Be an Asteroid Anyway. No, Really!" "Sorry, We Just Had to Make it A Nice Even Number of Planets." "One Word: Planet" Off Topic: Everyone go see Beerfest! I saw it this weekend and it was AWESOME!
You know all those times you wish you'd had a cute plastic wabbit to read you your email? Well, wish no more, for yout wildest dreams are fufilled! The plastic bunny with ears like TV antennae can read out emails and mobile phone text messages, tell children to go to bed, alert one to a stock collapse and give traffic updates by receiving internet feeds via a wireless Wi-Fi network. "It gives a visual and vocal representation of what is on the internet," explained Paul Jackson, an analyst at research house Forrester. "It is also a nice way of making physical your relationship online with…
Ok, hold the phone everyone!!!!!!! A volunteer from Irene Pepperberg's lab has informed me that parrot-related merchandise is available for purchase, to help support her lab and research on grey parrots. I am totally going to buy every one of these items, er, once I get my stipend check, that is. Buy some too, and help support parrot research! Also, Alex recently turned 30. Happy Hatch-Day Alex! If parrots could wear t-shirts, this is the one they'd pick. Feathers are much more awesome though. Parrot pens! Alex eyes it suspiciously. I think 2 seconds after this photo was taken he either…
I'm sure you've all heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), right? Sure, its the cute flying pasta plate that's trying to stick it to organized religion. FSM is a farcical "religion" created by a 24 year old guy named Bobby Henderson in 2005, based on the idea that a thingamajig created the world. I too had *heard* about it, but little did I realize how truly awesome the FSM was. Praise pasta! So, what do "Pastafarians" believe?? (from wikipedia) - An invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe, starting with a…
As a fair skinned person, I'm totally into this idea! This new bikini has a UV monitor built right into its belt, so you can safely swim and play in the sun. Made by Solestrom Swimwear, its already a big hit in South Africa and Australia where skin cancer rates are extremely high. Now this may sound dorky, but......waiiiiit a minute! I LOVE that its dorky! It looks like something a Bond girl would wear! Gimme gimme gimme!!!
A list of splendiferous gadgets compiled by yours truly! Below the fold! This Space Projector from Mathmos projects a constantly moving image (or chaotic oil swirls) onto walls or ceilings. Think of it as a cheap LCD projector; see it at work. Also from this company, Lunar Eclipse (mimics the night sky) and Tuba, which changes colors depending on ambient sounds. And how about this nifty video sniffer from Swann? It hooks up to any wireless video cameras with 330ft, and displays them in this handheld device. Good for being able to get the drop on ninjas sneaking up on ya. It picks up audio…
These are amazingly nerdy-cool. MadeWithMolecules has got a great thing going--serotonin earrings, estogen necklace, even boxer shorts and baby apparel! I would LOVE the serotonin necklace, but alas, I am a poor graduate student.