Hi-Tech Bikini Monitors Sun Exposure

As a fair skinned person, I'm totally into this idea! This new bikini has a UV monitor built right into its belt, so you can safely swim and play in the sun. Made by Solestrom Swimwear, its already a big hit in South Africa and Australia where skin cancer rates are extremely high. Now this may sound dorky, but......waiiiiit a minute! I LOVE that its dorky! It looks like something a Bond girl would wear! Gimme gimme gimme!!!


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So how much does it cost?

$139.99 (26% off)

Young, attractive scientists do not belong in such garb. It completely deflates the fantasy that some of us hold involving labcoats and high heels.

Hrm, I just use sunscreen (not that I would wear a bikini anyway. But my wife also just uses sunscreen).

After all, what good is monitoring your UV exposure really? Are you going to go in after 15 minutes when the exposure gets too high? Just apply an effective sunscreen before you go out, and you won't have to worry about it.

Speaking as a (really) fair-skinned person, believe me, I do use sunblock. I use the thick stuff, the high SPF stuff, the spray-on, etc. I still get sunburned. Granted, I'm sure the sunblock does its part, but I still burn badly even wearing sunblock.

What's the scale, and how does one figure out what amount of UV is enough/too much?