
Smilin' Norm has a reputation as a bit of a horndog, and now we learn where he got it from. Honestly, I really didn't need to know. (via Minnesota Politics)
…because Pam Spaulding at Pandagon had a kind word to say about James Lileks. Not his Bleat or Screed blog, fortunately, or for his regular column in the Strib which I find tediously twee, but for his masterful book, Interior Desecrations. You have to have lived through the 1970s to be able to understand how tacky things got for a while there—someday I'm going to have to dig up that old photo of myself in a polyester paisley print shirt and bell bottoms just to put the younger generation of readers here into shock. While I'm in a "what were they thinking?" mood, I'll mention one shock we had…
The Minneapolis police are getting a little too serious—they've started arresting zombies (those are some really good mugshots.) I think the fact that there was a zombie dance party at the mall might have tipped them off that there isn't a real threat here. The reason they were arrested is ridiculous. Harteau also said police were on high alert because they'd gotten a bulletin about men who wear clown makeup while attacking and robbing people in other states. What's the matter with law enforcement nowadays? They can't even tell clowns from zombies. Here's a hint: ≠ What are they going to do…
Who would have thought Wonder Woman sprang from such an unusual source? Well, actually, I guess in retrospect that it was obvious.
Seattle is experiencing a surge of homicides (which are probably not statistically significant in number.) Seattle is also experiencing a surge of squid. Some irresponsible journalists are suggesting these two observations might or might not be linked. These scurrilous allegations should be addressed by a trustworthy source, like The Typing Octopus. I mean, seriously, the murders are on dry land, with guns. I'd suspect the Sasquatch before I would some disgruntled cephalopod…and even there, the fact that the victims weren't slammed with hurled tree trunks should let Bigfoot off the hook.
Here's what causes global warming: we've been breathing since the Pleistocene ice age ended 165 million years ago. Isn't it cool how mentioning a specific date and geological epoch make you sound so smart, except when you get them all completely wrong?
(And now Jokermage's life is complete. Don't give up, though: seek out new challenges, and continue in your personal growth.)
I just finish cussing out a creationist for getting his evolutionary ideas from a Mr Potato Head box, and what do I find? The Pain presents…Mr Cthulhu Head.
Well. I don't see the point of this study, but I suppose there are people who need to be clubbed about the head with the obvious who would be well-served by reading it. It's a study to determine whether clones would have separate identities. Umm, yeah? They determined this by interviewing twins, who are clones of one another. OK, yes? From these findings the scientists said they could assume a clone would probably not feel their individuality was compromised by sharing genes with someone else; that their relationship with their co-clone was a blessing; and their uniqueness was not a negative…
From Under no circumstances, I have discovered Chris's Invincible Super-Blog, which is full of bizarre comic book summaries, giant robots, and now, a ghostly octopus. I also note that the ghostly octopus is horribly malformed. What is its beak doing there? Aaaaaaaaaah! It's hideous!
I've made it to St Paul and am sucking down some caffeine before strolling over to the venue for my talk this afternoon, and I've got a few minutes for a quickie link dump from the mailbag. Digest these for a while… There's a great new response to the Randi paranormal challenge. Unfortunately, while I think her power is real and immense, it isn't paranormal. This settles it. The war of the annoying you-tube videos has gone too far—now we've got singing Christian pirate puppets. They say Nelson's Column is being renovated—I say it's being used as a clandestine staging platform for the invasion…
Because if there were no anthropocism contest, I wouldn't be able to enter it. (via Uncertain Principles)
John Bentley sent me an issue of Seven Days with this interesting illustration on the cover: it's titled "California", by Chris Varricchione. Excuse the smudginess, but I just scanned it in from newsprint, so it isn't exactly the cleanest image to start with. Still, I had to make it my desktop image—who can resist a flying mollusc/bird chimera? Now if only someone would point me to a sharper original source… Thanks, John!
Monkey what? The Apostropher is committing blasphemy, heresy, and sacrilege with this surreal "Monkey Jesus" abomination. I must respond in kind with…Dr Monkey.
Phil has a live one: a woman who mangles digital images with Photoshop filters to determine if they are lizardoid aliens. Foolish earthling. Everyone knows Phil is from Zeta Reticuli. Along similar lines, I once had someone cast a detailed horoscope for me and send it along…apparently, I am one of the most evil baby-raping SOBs on the planet, and the only thing preventing me from oppressing and enslaving and destroying everyone is an excess of sloth and stupidity. These kooks—they say the obvious and pretend it is insight.
There's no way I can argue with a Countess.
Brings whole new meaning to "once you pop, you can't stop".
No wonder George W Bush is such a screw-up. He's actually handled by Johannes Schlüter, a very tiny German with poor English skills. this you? PharyngulaBy Details > Visit DetailVisit 6,666,666     [<<]  [>>] Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address   67.176.112.# (Comcast Cable) ISP   Comcast Cable Location   Continent  :  North America Country  :  United States  (Facts) State  :  Colorado City  :  Littleton Lat/Long  :  39.5593, -105.0056 (Map) Distance  :  622 miles Language   English (United States)en-us Operating System   Microsoft WinXP Browser   Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7 Javascript   version 1.5 Monitor  …
These sites are completely fake, but they're fascinating anyway. Phil sent me a link to the Museum of Fantastic Specimens, a bizarre collection of strange creatures. It's all in Japanese, but Pink Tentacle has a brief guide in English. Several people let me know about this one: if you prefer your fake organisms to be the product of fake synthetic processes rather than fake natural ones, you want a GenPet.