ScienceOnline'09: Please sign up for Saturday dinner by Monday

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Hey, y'all who are coming to ScienceOnline'09 this coming Fri through Sat: I need a final count on those coming to the Saturday dinner buffet by mid-morning tomorrow (Mon, 12 Jan).

Please, please, please sign up on the wiki tonight or tomorrow morning:

I have to give the Radisson hotel a cashier's check on Monday (tomorrow) and want to make sure they prepare enough food to account for last-minute people but I don't want to overestimate the number as I will be the one to eat the cash for no-shows.

I also don't want attendees to be disappointed if there are no remaining slots when they decide Saturday night that they want to do the dinner.

FYI, unless you rent a car, there is nowhere else within striking distance of the Radisson for food other than the hotel restaurant (RTP was built in the 1950s when the term "mixed use" was not in the vernacular). The dinner will be a buffet for $26.95 plus that god-awful hotel tax and a 18% gratuity, rounding up to $34. But the menu is good (below) and I've eaten there - dessert is also included.

I'll also be bringing in bottles of wine that even with the $10/bottle corkage fee will be superior to the proletariat swill (Trinity Oaks) for which they charge $20 bottle. They'll be available for $17-$20/bottle. (Friends don't let friends drink crappy wine.)

Buffet Selections
Garden Greens
Marinated Vegetables
Pasta Salad
Fruit Salad
New Potato Salad
Roast Top Sirloin of Beef, au jus
Boneless Breast of Chicken w/ White Wine Sauce
Cashew Salmon with Orange Basil Beurre Blanc
Penne Pasta with Marinara
Oven Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
Fresh Seasonal Vegetables
Rolls and Butter
Assorted Tortes and Pastries
Coffee, Tea, Milk

We've got about 64 people signed up now but we have space for up to 200.

Thanks for all of your help.

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You'll be missed, Arlenna - we'll catch up at another meeting somewhere over the next year, but plan on coming to the next SciOnline if you can!

Oh no, I'm so behind on this, and I just signed up and I missed the deadline! :-S I'll go if someone else drops out.... :-S