4/20 Boulder, CO: Students plan to print email, use to roll fatties

While I was all caught up today with thinking about the 95th anniversary of the Ludlow Massacre and the 10th anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings, I was reminded of some lighthearted goings-on in Colorado today that take away some of the gloom on this Monday. (The Ludlow post is getting great traffic, by the way, but my historical posts on tragedies fail to generate much commenting for some odd reason.).

My good friends at Denver's Westword independent weekly paper tweeted me last week with this headline on from their blog, The Latest Word:

CU Chancellor, obviously high, sends students finger-wagging e-mail about staying clean on 4/20 by Tyler Nemkov

For some genuine comedy today, I wanted to share with you the e-mail I just received as a student at CU Boulder. It states that I shouldn't go to the famous CU 4/20 event -- where students gather in the center of the campus to "celebrate" International Cann[a]bis Day -- if I care about values, my university and patriotism in general. Well, call me a crazy-anarchist-hippie-stoner-Antichrist, but I think when a baskeball arena's worth of people is planning to show up for something, a simple e-mail won't exactly deter them one way or another.

The title of our post here was from the first commenter on the thread.

I haven't seen the reports but 20,000 are expected in Boulder today for this...er...spontaneous combustion.

Teague Bohlen follows up today on the The Latest Word with this hysterical top 10 list of where not to stash your stash.

We provide this news purely from the standpoint of our interest in natural products and respect for Cannabis sativa as a medicinal plant that dates back over 3000 years in Hindu and Muslim cultures.

As an official policy of this blog, we do not condone today's events in Boulder and elsewhere.


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Uh, it's just the pollen - azaleas are blooming and it's really exacerbating my asthma. Heh.

yeah, that about sums up our drug education in universities:
"don't do it!"
generations upon generations seem to forget how pathetically ineffective that is after they become adults.

"don't do it!"

Yeah, that works so well for so many things. I mean, if you tell your kids, "Don't have sex (+ various terms, to avoid ambiguity).", they won't have sex, right? [crickets] Or drink before 21? [more insect noises]

Has the CU chancellor actually ever talked to any of his students, or does he just farm that out to the peons? I can't figure that anyone who actually has talked to children and young/not-so-young adults in the last two decades would have figured that to be an effective frame.

Fucking hilarity!!! If I were a student there and got that email, all it would do is motivate me to attend. And I pretty much quit smoking weed altogether (working on the tobacco now too).

This reminds me of the second year we had a smoke-out the capital in Lansing, MI, several years ago. The first year there were less than thirty of us and we all got arrested.

Before the second event, there was a letter in the paper, from someone in the Lansing attorney's office, telling folks not to go - that hardly anyone showed up the year before and everyone got arrested. The next day there were four or five responses printed - apparently a whole hell of a lot were sent.

So the second year, more than three hundred showed up. No one was arrested or harassed, as long as we stayed within a certain area on the lawn to light up.

Not sure how many would actually have made it without the letter in the paper, but the letter did a lot to raise awareness of the event - more than our meager abilities to advertise had. And all the detractors (none official) before the third year's event, helped bring more than twenty-five hundred from all over Michigan.

They were, thankfully, expected and arrangements had been made. Some of the same cops who had arrested us the first year, were politely and kindly helping to keep things in order and often gave folks directions to the bathrooms or various vendor areas.

I should also note that I got a chance to chat with the cop who had cuffed me the first year, who admitted that he really hated doing it. He said that he doesn't smoke, but totally thought it's just a huge waste of time and resources....

So keep the detraction coming folks, make a big enough deal and it will totally change things for the better...

Before the second event, söve there was a letter in the paper, from someone in the Lansing attorney's office, telling folks not to go - that hardly anyone showed söve up the year söve before and everyone got arrested. The next day there were four or five responses printed - söve apparently a whole hell of a lot were sent. So the second year, more söve than three hundred showed up. No one was arrested or harassed, as long as we stayed söve within a certain area on the lawn to light up.


Dear College Student:

We know that the entire point of college is to get high. Please do not get high.

College President

That's fucking hilarious!