I'm Still Sure It Was the Robin's-Egg Blue Tuxedo I Wore

Does This Explain the Disaster That Was my High School Prom?

Bad-tempered women 'can blame it on genes'

Ever wonder why some women seem to be more ill-tempered than others? University of Pittsburgh researchers have found that behaviors such as anger, hostility and aggression may be genetic, rooted in variations in a serotonin receptor gene. Indrani Halder, Ph.D., of the Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine Program at the University of Pittsburgh, will present the findings today at the American Psychosomatic Society's Annual Meeting, held in Budapest, Hungary.

I'm also skeptical that one gene can control the mood of women, but then again I'm not taking any chances. Excuse me while I practice my lines:

"Yes, Dear."
"Right away, Dear."
"I'm sorry, Dear."
"It will be a pleasure, Dear."
"Please don't hit me."


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I share your skepticism.

I'm also mildly curious as to why the American Psychosomatic Society is holding its meeting in Budapest. Escapism?

Something about the words psychosomatic and Budapest have my gut feeling saying "I don't think so." and I come from a long line of quick tempered red-heads. Maybe nature and nurture, but I doubt I can claim it as a genetic disposition.

So what was it about the tux that made someone lpse their temper, and why are you still concerned? Maybe you should avoid the pastel tuxes. Go for black with tails, and chose a calmer date.

I'm willing to say there can be organic influences to mood, and this, by extension, would mean that genetics may have a role. However, I think nurturing and spirit play a big and sometimes bigger part.

What makes us human is our self awareness, giving us the ability to override some of our more destructive natural responses.

i hope there's no ph.d. after m.d. there, doc, 'cause your skepticism doesn't extend even so far as wondering which chromosome this gene that "only affects women" is on.

unlike you, i did a simple check, and there is indeed a serotonin receptor on the x chromosome. but most of them are not on the x chromosome, so i'm guessing you'll be really lucky if dr. budapest-psychosomatic-conference is talking about the one that might have any specificity whatsoever to women.

but hey. any pretext to call women bitches, extending even to the woman you chose to wed, right?

Craig, speaking as a woman who has struggled to moderate a quick temper and aggressive instincts for all of her life I found your comments offensive. It isn't much fun from the inside either.

By Sally Marshall (not verified) on 16 Mar 2007 #permalink