We'll Be Right Back After These Messages

I am leaving on a jet plane tomorrow and I do know when I'll be back again - March 27th to be exact.

Oh, the agony of having to go on Spring Break (with the family, of course). Whatever will I do to entertain myself?

I have scheduled some surprise posts to fill the vacant hours while I'm gone. I might even contribute something in my free time if my hotel has internet access, which I have been assured it does.

Until we meet again, I leave you with the latest headlines:

Reliance on ready meals puts men at risk from too much salt

35,000 Britons die a year from eating too much salt? Holy Toledo, what do they put in the bangers and mash over there? Somebody send them a shipment of fruit & veggies, but quick!

Government auditors find that tax scofflaws profit from Medicare

Doctors and other health care providers who owe the federal Treasury more than $1 billion in back taxes are still receiving government checks for treating Medicare patients.

This doesn't surprise me one bit - no, not the fact that "tax scofflaw" doctors are failing to pay their personal and payroll taxes, but the fact that Medicare is still paying them for their work. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a just one example of the snafu that socialized medicine would be if established.

On that note I believe it is best to sign off. "Mar sin leibh an drà;sda!"


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