Worth reading: Prescription kids, teen pregnancies, and missing workers

A few of the recent pieces I've liked:

Jennifer Brown and Christopher N. Osher in the Denver Post: Prescription Kids (a six-part investigative series on the extensive prescribing of psychotropic drugs to Colorado foster children; via Reporting on Health)

Lydia DePillis at Washington Post's Wonkblog: The U.S. still spends way more on teen pregnancy than family planning

David Moberg at In These Times: Meet the 'Missing' Workers ("More than 5 million Americans have given up hope of a job. Who are they?")

William Laurance at Yale Environment 360: Will Increased Food Production Devour Tropical Forest Lands?

Julie Beck in The Atlantic: The Private Lives of Public Bathrooms

Any other recommendations of public-health pieces worth a look?

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I read the artice on the US still spending more on teen pregnancy than family planning. Well its what is happening in various countries in throughout the world. Dont you think that if the goverment stops with giving of these benefits and supports to teens who are pregnant or are mothers then teens will stop having children? The teen pregnancy wiil drop worldwide, however this is a matter of personal virtues but that is still no excuse.

By Pearl Booysen … (not verified) on 03 May 2014 #permalink

I also read the article on pregnant teens, I feel that the government is trying to address the aftermath of the problem instead of the actual problem itself. They should rather focus on sex education as most people have pointed out. They should provide means to contraceptives that are affordable and accessible to the greater majority of the teens. We should nip the problem at the bud.

I read "The Private Lives of Public Bathrooms"
It's funny how people worry so much about what another person will hear or smell when they go into a a toilet, not just public toilets. When you come to think of it, it doesn't make sense to worry about such things because we all go to the toilet and we all do the same things in there. It's not like a person goes into a toilet and they expect the smell of cologne or perfume, so people need to stop worrying and should go about their business in the toilet.

By Mpumelelo Phil… (not verified) on 04 May 2014 #permalink