
A girl in India watches the hanging of Saddam. She obsesses over it. Two days later her brother chides her for not studying. She locks herself up in her room and hangs herself. The Saddam connection is alleged as having been the influence. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Whatever it is, it is unfortunate.

Someone commits suicide every five minutes in India (source). One suicide every forty seconds in the world (source: WHO). Someone near to you. Someone you never met. I've heard and known first-hand many cases of suicide. They all speak of a small misunderstanding taken too seriously.

The most important cause for suicide is depression (whether a high-impact short bout or a long lasting one - they both open up the same horrendous possibility). Medically, depression is a treatable ailment and suicidal tendency is in fact a medical emergency. There are various other reasons for depression ranging from economic, social and familial causes that may not yield to medication. Still, all the causes will - in the long run - yield to education and better understanding. Do what you can. Educate yourself. Educate others. Stay alive.

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The fear of getting alienated by society and peers prevents a most of people in India from seeking medical help for Mental disorders even for simple aliments like depression. As you said the key to solving this educating ourselves and our peers about this and also encouraging and helping people whom we know personally to seek medical help.