No, it's not a photo


This detailed medical illustration by the late Duncan Winter shows the advantages of a good medical illustration over a typical photograph. There are no problems with over- or under-exposure, no depth-of-field issues, and the salient features are subtly emphasized. The underside in particular is very impressive work - there's a lot going on down there and it's really tough to draw clearly.

From the medical illustration flickrset by Bottled Monsters

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Amazingly detailed illustrations! Personally, I think detailed illustrations are so much better than pictures, unfortunately they are no longer the norm in most scientific publications.

I totally adore Netter. I have an anatomy atlas by him, but don't have the original books. I learned everything I know about EKGs from his volume on the heart. . .

And a perfect set of teeth, including the wisdom teeth, on the underside view. Not often you see that in real life.

P.S. Have my nibs recipe pretty much worked out and ready for the test kitchen...

Stunning. The surface forms are particularly impressive.

By Joe Leasure (not verified) on 13 Apr 2009 #permalink