Video Animations Explaining Golgi Cisternal Maturation

I should have included these with my Golgi entry. Very cool movies explaining the difference between static Golgi and dynamic Golgi whose stacks (or cisternae) mature. From the Glick paper:

Movie1 Static Golgi (Black dots representing newly synthesized proteins traverse the Golgi by vesicular transport). After the recent results, this model of how the Golgi works is unlikely.

Movie2 Dynamic Golgi (Black dots STAY in a cisterna, and Golgi modifying enzymes - the green, orange, red - are transported from cisterna to cisterna, at the end the Golgi cisterna breaks apart into vesicles that are then delivered to various intracellular organelles and the plasma membrane). This model is consistent with the new data.

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oh, I absolutely love these movies! I saw them presented at a meeting last year and emailed them to ask for the movies to use in my cell biology class. So excellent! I haven't read their paper yet or your other post, but for some reason this is weirdly my favorite Cell Biology problem and these movies were so useful when I try talking about it in class. So cool!

Yes the whole Golgi debate has been fascinating to watch. It's great that the "cool" model won out in the end.

We'll have to wait and see what Graham Warren says about the new data. (In his last review, Rothman basically advocated a mixed model).

If there are any new developments, I'll post them.