LeLoup est mort, vive Leclerc!

OK it's been a while since I've really gone off and wrote about ... art, food, music, city life and other mental stimuli ...
(I've been persuaded to even start a category)

But here we go ...

I've learned that Jean LeLoup, the musical genius that is virtually unknown outside of Quebec and France (mostly because he sings almost exclusively in French), has released a new album, Mexico. Oui ca fait du temp qu'on a vue quelque chose de Jean. Tabarnak.


I've also found out that Jean has killed his old identity and has picked up his birth name of Leclerc.

Here is the title song from his new CD.
And here's a nice video of one of LeLoup's old songs Isabelle (J'te détèste).

More like this

His face is way more pasty than 10-15 years ago, too.

From John The Wolf to John The Clerk is a big change...
His more recent music reflects that change as well; it's sad to say, but he's lost a lot of "je ne sais quoi" since Les Fourmis. Let's see how Mexico is...

By funkyneuron (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink

Aw, poor guy. He still looks young and handsome, maybe a bit sunburnt on his nose?