Mission Accomplished!

Well I'm packing up to go off to western Connecticut for my fellowship retreat. Oh yeah, about that last minute experiment ... I nailed it! Not only did the experiment work but I also got the anticipated result confirming my pet theory.


Ain't that a pretty image of a cell! The cell was injected nuclearly (see inset) with XXXXX and the freakin' XXXXX not only got out but got targeted to the XXXXX. I'll tell you about the experiment some day, for now it's sensitive info.

As for Map that Campus, it'll be delayed until next week when I have more time.

Have a nice weekend.


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Ain't that a pretty image of a cell!

If you say so. I thought maybe it was a newly discovered dwarf galaxy.

It certainly is not Northwestern University.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 20 Oct 2006 #permalink

Yah, looks like you just put a mini Roswell alien face on a slide and squished it! :-)

It looks like an exploded scrambled egg.