My Year in a Picture

I constructed one last year, so here is this year's compilation.


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Nice collection of pictures! Just goes to show how much life you can pack into a year when you really try! Happy 2008!
Dave Briggs :~)

We didn't make the pic. How sad. Our friends are drifting away...

Is there a large version available? Any Scifoo pictures?


I had a total of 1 photo with you in my posession (Tom's birthday), but if you look closely at the compilation, the second half of your "we" is in there. =P


I had a total of 10 scifoo pics, most of which were blurry, or had Dr Steve Steve (I posted those on facebook's "I'm a fan of Dr Steve Steve" group). On second thought, I should have stuck a photo from Cuchi Cuchi!

Happy New Year!