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Feeling stressed? Run down? Is your face not as chipper and toned as it might be? Of course you are. We all are from time to time, particularly as we journey into middle age and beyond. So what better than a bit of pampering at the spa? There's nothing like a soothing facial to get the skin toned…
Use #1-- Identifying the exact source of HIV-1 and HIV-2.
Use #2-- Determining the ecological/zoonotic/epidemiological implications of Simian Foamy Virus infection in chimpanzees!
Simian Foamy Virus (SFV) is another complex retrovirus, like HIV-1, but on a different branch of the retroviral family…
The following is a selection of Google search terms that brought people to my sit today that I think would make good song titles, or perhaps, in some cases, a good name for a band.
what happens if you eat mold
vocal fry
fish bigger than a whale with a m
witches in europe
if you hit a brick wall at…
Not Exactly Pocket Science is a set of shorter write-ups on new stories with links to more detailed takes by the world's best journalists and bloggers. It is meant to complement the usual fare of detailed pieces that are typical for this blog.
The rewarding side of being a psychopath
What goes…
Yay! Sunday funnies!
Where is the brain going?
To find his better half??
M.E. Cohen is an editorial cartoonist. As I recall this particular cartoon was supposed to represent Karl Rove's resignation...
Yep, found it. It was published on 08/13/2007 and can be found, along with his other works, here.
Now would someone be so kind as to tell me where I can download a life?
I would love to put that cartoon on a T-Shirt!