Will you solve the Rubik's cube at the USA Science and Engineering Festival?

You CAN do the Rubik's cube Tournament is taking place at the USA Science and Engineering Festival.Have you signed up yet?

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43 quintillion different combinations...

I don't believe I have actually ever solved a Rubik's cube, so after finding out that we are going to have a Rubik's cube competition at the USA Science and Engineering Festival I went out and bought one...for research purposes of course. After all, I am a scientist and my curiosity got the better of me as this website claims that I CAN learn how to solve a Rubik's cube. Working with a '7 steps solution guide of on how to solve the cube ' so far it seems that the key to solving a Rubik's cube is part muscle memory and part pattern recognition. I have only been able to solve one side so far...but I'll keep the blog posted periodically on my progress. Sign up a K-12 student here for the competition. There is plenty of time to learn how to solve the cube! Check out some back ground info on Rubik's cubes below.

In the process of learning how to solve a Rubik's cube I discovered the sport of ''speedcubing". World Record holders can solve the puzzle in less than 10 seconds! That is pretty amazing! Better get back to practicing.

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Deadline for the tournament sign up is April 30, 2010 so there is still a little bit of time to sign up for the Rubik's cube tournament! Are you a teacher and looking to incorporate the Rubik's cube contest into your teaching lessons? There is an orientation workshop on April 10th at the National…
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From the USA Science & Engineering Festival: WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--It's the 30th Anniversary of the Rubik's Cube, and the USA Science & Engineering Festival is planning a You CAN Do the Rubik's Cube tournament in Washington, D.C., October of 2010. Teams from Delaware, the District of…

I recently learned how to solve a rubik's cube, its not too hard just takes lots of practice! I'm not terribly fast though, but my boyfriend can do it between 2 and 3 minutes, which I would consider really fast since we just learned. We're students, we have nothing better to do. :) Good luck!

By Lauren Usick (not verified) on 03 Mar 2010 #permalink

As I'm a sciencey-type, I found it easiest to learn by memorising the algorithms for each move, until the muscle memory could kick in. Once you get the basic method down you can get your time down to under 2 minutes, easy. My good friend is a speed cuber, and his current best time is ~22 seconds. Forget facebook or alcohol, cubing is why I will fail my degree.

that's a lot of steps solutions. nice rubric thought awsome colors.

I have to admit, I have never been able to solve a rubik's cube either. Still, your post is inspiring - I might just have to look at that site and finally learn how to do it....

As I'm a sciencey-type, I found it easiest to learn by memorising the algorithms for each move, until the muscle memory could kick in. Once you get the basic method down you can get your time down to under 2 minutes, easy. My good friend is a speed cuber, and his current best time is ~22 seconds. Forget facebook or alcohol, cubing is why I will fail my degree

As I'm a sciencey-type, I found it easiest to learn by memorising the algorithms for each move, until the muscle memory could kick in. Once you get the basic method down you can get your time down to under 2 minutes, easy. My good friend is a speed cuber, and his current best time is ~22 seconds. Forget facebook or alcohol, cubing is why I will fail my degree.

Ne kadar var ve bu yüzden yan bir çözme becerisi sadece yapılmıŠ... ama ilerleme benim olacaÄım tutmak periyodik olarak yayınlanan blog. öÄrenci 12 kaydolun K- burada yarıÅma için. küp çözmek öÄrenmek için bol zaman var! AÅaÄıdaki küpleri bilgi üzerinde Rubik zemin dıÅarı bazı tekrar kontrol edin.

I have solved this Rubik's cube when i am 12 year's old and have fun with toys and friends it's very interesting and we have to play a concentration on this game. This was also displayed in the movie Dude!! Where's my car? it's play a role of a transformer that's a machine of alien.