The Science Festival is Coming!

i-a47874ec5cfe1795882efdf0cbb56224-festival_038.jpgCOPUS (Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science) organizers are thrilled to be supporting the USA Science and Engineering Festival effort, particularly by helping the scientific community connect to the festival in their own community through satellite events.

The 2010 USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF), provides a great opportunity for COPUS participants to rally together in support of science. Through making this event truly national in scope, we can continue the great grassroots momentum we started with Year of Science 2009.

Many COPUS participants and hubs are beginning plans for their Satellite Events. Through partnerships among community organizations like Girl Scouts and 4-H, University student groups, informal science centers, and other scientific organizations, ideas are popping up from coast to coast to celebrate science in style October 23/24, 2010.

The best part is that you can keep doing what you have always been doing and we can't emphasize this enough. If you aren't in a place to start a new program, partnership, or project, that is ok! When we all band together as a community, it adds volume to the voice of science.

So think about what you can do to bring science to your community or circle of friends in October 2010. You create it - big or small-- and USASEF will help you market it. You can list your event on the USA Science & Engineering Festival web site along with hundreds of other events taking place across the country. Anyone in the nation can check the Festival web site to see what's happening in his or her region the weekend of the USA Science & Engineering Festival. It's a great way to get your community excited about science, and to put your organization on the national map. There is plenty of time to plan -- the USASEF main event will take place on October 23 and 24, 2010.

In addition, all satellite event organizers and attendees will be invited to participate in a nationwide activity that will take place at all Festival locations on the same day. We are not sure yet what this science-related activity will be, and welcome your ideas!

Sound like fun? Sign up today!

To let Festival organizers know that you are planning a Satellite Event, fill out a brief online form.

Resources for Satellite Event organizers are available here

~~written by Sheri Potter
Manager, Membership and Community Programs
American Institute of Biological Sciences

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