The Quest for Truth: What Scientists can Learn by Observing Nature

Guest Blog by USA Science & Engineering Festival X-STEM Speaker Louie Schwartzberg

water drop by louie schwartzberg

Albert Einstein remarked, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." He knew something that many scientists and engineers overlook in their quest for truth: nature holds the answers we're seeking! We're simply here to learn nature's language and laws and how we can interact with it. Every law of the universe can be witnessed by observing nature. In the west, we like to believe we arrive at facts once they've been scientifically validated. Truthfully, the facts were written long before humans arrived on this planet and we are simply catching up. What science brings to the table is a deeper understanding of why things happen, and how to ensure the right things continue to happen so both our species and planet thrive together.

Read full blog here.

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this holds for the same reason why there are many things we still need to discorver. we only have estimations of how big the universe might be, but the question is whats out there. beside the light that shines in our eyes

By cornelius (not verified) on 27 Mar 2015 #permalink

It is truly significant to see that nature really is the part of our modern science and how things work. Even when you look at the elements of nature. If there were no elements, nothing would exist in our world. I read and studied about the fact that Albert Einstein was the man behind the atomic bomb and that he completely regretted it. If it was not for that, history would have been a lot different. Maybe it was because of the fact that our ancient scientists went out of their way to figure out what goes on in our world, that we already know so much. In other words, where would we have been today if people like Einstein did not exist. We should really thank the curious SCIENTISTS.

Ed Begley Jr said: "I don't understand why when we destroy something created by man, we call it 'vandalism', but when we destroy something created by nature, we call it 'progress'." In today's society, it is very easy to forget that, even though infrastructure is the foundation of our daily lives, nature still remains the source of our survival. It sometimes feels as though, through "progress", we are edging towards our own demise. This post reminded me that, in fact, nature lives on through our designs, like planes (structurally based on birds) or shark-like speedos. I still feel the world needs to take conservation a lot more seriously, but it doesn't mean that we should shun progress, rather see the beauty in it, so that, like you said, we can not only survive, but thrive. (15023372)