More Creation Museum Photos

A friend just shot me a link to a Flickr set of pics from the Creation Museum complete with witty commentary. Absolutely mind boggling. Over and over. PZ has a link to the blog post.

I wish I could ride triceratops.

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The way to deal with a creation museum is probably not to demonstrate or even debate, but to get the properties across the street and on either side and open up a Lord of the Rings Museum (they have quite a nice travelling museum of clothing, armour, and other artifacts), a Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters museum, a Santa Claus shop, an Elves and Fairies costume store, a Teddybears' Picnic theme park, Thor's Thunderworld, Neptune's Splash Park, a Wax Museum of Retired Gods, a Frank Herbert's DuneWorld adventure park with animatronic mentats and sandworms, Anne McCaffrey's Dragonweyrs of Pern amusement park with flying dragon rides, and so on and so on. Or at least advertising for the equivalent attractions for at least 50 miles around. And bookstores selling all them most realistic illustrations of invented worlds that you can find. Lord of the Rings calendar illustrations would be a good start. Kind of like moving the kids' bible stories to the fiction section of the bookshelf.