ZOMFG! I love teh crazies!

So I was checking out my incomming links on sitemeter and I found a great one. You see, fake diseases alway bring out the wackos.

This is the thing about medical wackos. Not only do they think that they have diseases that no real doctor thinks exists, but they think everyone else must have it, too.

Niels, a guy who I've had to ban before for hostile comment spam, and whose designation on his own board is, appropriately, "Ultimate Member", has this to say about my back woes:

this time, i believe karma has already taught him the lesson he needs to learn (sounds like he has lyme disease... he lives in a lyme-endemic area... probably explains why he's such a cranky&cantankerous mofo)

Let me make a few things clear: "karma" is a philosophical construct to describe random events, not a quid pro quo-o-matic. Low back pain is not caused by Lyme disease, especially when there is a friggin' picture that precisely explains the pathology. Southeastern Michigan is not an endemic area for Lyme disease (although it does exist). Finally, I'm a "cranky and canterkerous mofo" naturally, not because of Lyme disease.

Anyway, you've got to check out the board. It's teh funnie.

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If by "teh funnie," you mean "teh painful," then yes, I agree.

" "karma" is a philosophical construct to describe random events"

When I introduce probability in my courses, I write "Karma is probability taken personally" on the board. Some of the students get it.

"karma" is a philosophical construct to describe random events

Or a perhaps profound sociological and psychological observation. No metaphysics required.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 04 Feb 2009 #permalink

Wait, I thought your back problems resulted from a blood pH imbalance.

Blood pH? Please, it's the build up of aluminum reacting with mercury and toxins from all his vaccines.

Man these guys are a one control group short of a placebo. Some weird analogy about PAL being on a leash of science peeing everywhere. For some "wonderful and compassionate" beings they claim to be, they are certainly quick to gloat at your misery and analogize you to an incontinent dog.

Carrying this karmic illogic to a (somewhat) logical conclusion, I've been wondering: if PalMD, who is known to bash the woo-meister *occasionally* in his posts,then suffers an MRI-worthy injury,do those who comment in similar woo-bashing fashion,need to fear minor injuries?* OMG! Where's LanceR,JSG? *(only joking)

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink