At Ben's birthday party, we gave away 15 cars! (and still be environmentally conscious, kind of)


Although, of course, they were made from recycled cardboard boxes. Ben, you see, was a big fan of that "Cars" movie that came out a while ago, and so wanted to have his birthday (held on Saturday)centre around a car theme.

So here was where I was a little torn. Even though you're dealing with a young child's brithday party, you still kind of want to make sure you stick to certain principles, such as maybe be sensitive to the whole car emissions thing. I know I know, it's just a birthday party, but when you're heading a campus wide project where you're teaching sustainability principles, which includes actively bringing out individuals like David Suzuki and David Orr to interact with our student community, there are certain things you gotta do. And yet... Ben really really really wanted a party about cars.

Anyway, in the end, this is what I did:

The party was still all about cars. And kids even got to go home with their own little cardboard car (like the photo above), complete with personalized license plate, and a Driver License (a la hockey card sleeve). It was really very amusing to watch - we had these kiddie car pile-ups and traffic jams all over our house before an execituve parent decision was made to have everyone "park." And to qualm my apprehension, we did this to each box:


Funniest thing was that kids were asking their parents what a "hybrid" was (whereupon I would smile thinking, how nice it was still all about the science).

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