Yes, this is a potential Science + Arts disaster in the making.


Or maybe, I'm being too hard on myself.

Anyway, my brother has moved to start an MBA program in York University, and so I am left with several pieces of his musical gear. Which means that yes, (Dum dum dum!), I'm going to have a hand at recording some music.

Where does the science fit in?

Well, once I figure out how to set up my M-AUDIO box, so that I can plug in the instruments to GarageBand on my Mac, I'm going to write a few songs that are scientifically influenced in either of the following ways:

1. Using genetic notation. That's right! The nucleotides A, C, G can also stand in for chords, and T could be a tremolo.

2. A song written where jargon, suggested by you the reader will be incorporated. (Although this thought kind of scares me a little).

Anyway, very geeky I know, but what the hell. I've had this audio box for about 3 years now, and just haven't had the time to set it up. Maybe, this is even a way to break the dreaded "Asian Rock Star" (or lack thereof) curse. At the very least, maybe something concocted here will be useful for a course or something.

So suggest away and stay tuned...

More like this

A song with the word "dictyostelium" would be awesome. Plus it rhymes with most of the elements on the periodical table.

used to be in a band (way back when) and challenged our singer/songwriter to use the word "epiglottis" in a song... unfortunately he had it mixed up with the uvula so the line ran "... my epiglottis it rings like a bell... "


Then, there's the whole ID debacle that could be made fun of.

Homo erectus... definitely Homo erectus.

TMBG rock! Especially, their "Why Does the Sun Shine" take.

O.K. so dictyostelium, epiglottis, Flagella, phthalates, Mammal so far.

None of which rhyme, of course, but that's o.k. My M-AUDIO hook-up is sounding crappy, but I just got a iStudio Link from MONSTER, so hopefully that will pick up better.

Which M-Audio device did you have? I can't imagine the iStudio Link would be better. Guitar direct into a line or mic in is craziness. You'd be far better off with something like the StealthPlug which is USB, will get a proper level out of a guitar and comes with some great software, too.

If you need some help with setup, let me know. I also create music on my computer (poorly). And there are some great resources online for learning the ins and outs of... um... ins and outs.

Attention, attention, one and all/
Cilia are out this fall/
To ensure that you stay a handsome fella/
Spend some more and get flagella.


May be a little too show tune-y.

Thanks Pough,

The Studio Link actually worked really well, and I've been amazed at Garage Band can do (albeit a little overwhlemed as well). The M AUDIO is just giving me a really weak signal for some reason. Will tinker some more.

The songs written in jargon idea already has already been used. It's the claim to fame of British grindcore legends Carcass. Lyrics to such masterpieces of gore as 'Swarming Vulgar Mass Of Infected Virulency', 'Mucopurulence Excretor' and 'Lavaging Expectorate Of Lysergide Composition' can be found here.