This is awesome (and so freakin' true)

More like this

A PhD, THREE post-docs and only 6 papers.


Be a scientist, save the world, work long hours for peanuts.

I'm glad someone else said it first -- but I'll say it again.: 6 papers from 3 separate post-docs? What the hell was he doing all that time? And from PhD time? Come on dude, get pen to paper.

I actually first saw this pic tacked onto the job board at a research center I was visiting.

It depends on the field and how many years each
post-doc lasted. In some experimental fields,
six is a goo number. In some theoretical fields,
it is not so. It is all in the prespective,
dude :-) - mOhana

By J K Mohana Rao (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink

But can he do anything useful?

Ahh so he finally learns the one thing he should have learned all those years back, book smarts aren't worth shit in the business world.