A List of how Science will kill us all.

Humour piece by Patrick Francis. Good stuff, and a list that includes "Global Warming", as well as the "Swiss" Here's an excerpt:


Bacteria are catching on to the whole antibiotic thing and they are doing something about it: evolving! Antibiotics are pretty much the cornerstone of our modern medical system and without them we're helpless. And this is coming at a really bad time what with crazy pig-viruses, bird flus and SARS type things coming at us with, judging from the media, ever increasing frequency. It's going to be like 14th century Europe all over again except with facebook.

Read the rest at the SCQ.

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Sorry, that quote doesn't really inspire me to read the rest of the article seeing as how it's wrong in several places.

By NoAstronomer (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Forgot to add that this is a humour piece (just added the text to make that clear)