I play guitar and I'm pretty sure I'd be a rock star if I also had these.

Eddie Vedder on vox.
Sting on bass.
Ringo on drums. Anybody on drums.
Thom Yorke doing backing vocals
A duet with Beyonce.
Lyrics by Margaret Atwood.
Samantha Fox's breasts.
A wardrobe malfunction.
Wilco in the studio.
A studio.
A studio with amps that go to eleven.
A cameo in a Woody Allen movie. A cameo in a Jackie Chan movie.
A mention at the next Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.
A mention on American Idol.
Blessing from the Pope.
Permission from my wife.

(This list presented again from a old posting, since we were on the subject of writing music anyways)

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I think a condemnation from the pope would bring you more rock star acclaim than a blessing

Good point Kevin. Although I was actually trying to hit all bases there. I figured most of the other points would already attract the audiences that were put off by the current pope.

you forgot about a guest solo by Santana