This one was immense. It was also a dual effort (and not by "one of the guys" at the blog). Like the Puzzle Fantastica, this one is very difficult to re-post in its entirety. Luckily, Dave made a great graphic with links embedded to each game. I'll reprint the Press Center, then, which includes links to every game that had running commentary. For those who never saw this, it started here and, all told, the best feature was that it involved a slew of bloggers across scienceblogs, all working in conjunction to run the tournament.

(March 12th)
Grand opening. Introductory remarks. Brackets revealed. (link at World's Fair)
(March 14th)
Arenas will open for fans across all four regions (Fans, speak up!)
OCTOPUS bracket - 1st round (link at World's Fair).
MORTAR AND PESTLE bracket - 1st round (link at Adventures in Ethics and Science).
CHAIR bracket - 1st round (link at World's Fair).
ORBIT bracket - 1st round. (link at Uncertain Principles).
(March 15th)
"Genomics vs Proteomics game wrecks havoc on facilities" (UPDATE)
(March 16th)
OCTOPUS bracket. 1st round results released (link at World's Fair)
MORTAR AND PESTLE bracket. 1st round results released (link at Adventures in Ethics and Science)
CHAIR bracket. 1st round results released (link at World's Fair)
ORBIT bracket. 1st round results released (link at Uncertain Principles)
(March 17th)
"Internal Medicine is disqualified!" (UPDATE)
(March 18th)
Arenas will open for fans (Fans, speak up!)
OCTOPUS bracket - 2nd round (link at Evolgen). (commentary)
(March 19th)
Arenas will open for fans in remainder regions (Fans, speak up!)
ORBIT bracket - 2nd round (link at Galactic Interactions)
MORTAR AND PESTLE bracket - 2nd round (link at Adventures in Ethics and Science).
CHAIR bracket - 2nd round (link at World's Fair).
(March 20th/21st)
MORTAR AND PESTLE bracket. 2nd round results released (link at Adventures in Ethics and Science).
ORBIT bracket. 2nd round results released (link at Galactic Interactions).
OCTOPUS bracket. 2nd round results (part 1, part 2 at Evolgen).
CHAIR bracket. 2nd round results (link at World's Fair)

Some Chemistry pregame commentary (link, link, link)
Acid vs. d-orbitals (link at The World's Fair)
Fossil fuels vs. Erlenmeyer flask (link at Page 3.14)
F = ma vs. Particle (link at Highly Allochthonous)
General Relativity vs. Bosons (hosted by Galactic Interactions)
Invertebrates vs. Photosynthesis (link at Deep Sea News)
Phylogenetics vs. HIV (link at Signout)
Kuhn vs. Theory. (hosted by Adventures in Ethics and Science)
Corporate vs. Darwin. (link at evolgen) ("Darwin does indeed sell out!")
Round three: Invertebrates vs. Photosynthesis (at Deep Sea News)
Round three: Darwin vs. Corporate (at Evolgen)
Round three: F = ma vs. Particle (at Highly Allochthonous)
Round three: Acids vs. d-orbitals (at The World's Fair)
Round three: Erlenmeyer flask vs. Fossil fuels (at Page 3.14)
Round three: Theory vs. Kuhn (at Adventures in Ethics and Science)
Round three: HIV vs. Phylogenetics (at Signout)
Round three: Bosons vs General Relativity (at World's Fair)
Round four: Particle v. General Relativity (at The World's Fair)
Round four: Theory v. Darwin (at The World's Fair)
Round four: d-Orbitals v. Fossil Fuels (at The World's Fair)
Round four: Invertebrates v. HIV (at The World's Fair)
Particle v. Darwin
Fossil Fuels v. HIV
HIV v. Darwin
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Ah, but we were young then. Almost three years on, I'm still trying to explain to my wife why I put the childrens' college funds on Pluto (I really thought it was the little planet that could). So I'm still a little miffed. But like most people here, I don't really want to comment on this post, either.