Although I can't remember where I saw "play with duct tape" on the list of learning objectives, I figured it would be cool to make a paper pinball machine with the kids - it's kind of "educational." (right?). Anyway, this ended up being a lot of fun, and (if I do say so myself) our pinball machine is FREAKING AWESOME!
Here are some pictures, and the video at the end is where Hannah and Ben demonstrate its awesomeness.

And the video...
(Follow David at @dnghub)
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That IS freakin' awesome! And your kids are very sweet, too. Did you try something larger with a bit more elasticity, like a super-bounce-ball or some such? How about a ping-pong ball - or would that be too light?
So totally cool.
That is one great idea of yours, and sounds like so much fun to make. It is awesome! Not only is it a fun activity to do and use to spend time with the kids, but it also saves you from buying an expensive over-rated pin ball machine! I am currently a sophomore in high school, and your project even interests me! It seems like so much fun to make, and later play! My friend has a pinball machine and it was fun in the beginning, and now every time I walk in it's just there, doesnât interest me. However, if I saw that when I walked in her house one day I would be so interested in it! Itâs not something you see everyday and it is so cool! It looks awesome! Great idea!
That IS freakin' awesome! And your kids are very sweet, too. Did you try something larger with a bit more elasticity,