Ghostly Phantom Hedgehog Haunts the Old Wickshire Mansion

This albino African pygmy hedgehog was born in Cumbria, England. Albinism, more technically known as hypomelanism, is a congenital disorder that results in a lack of melanin pigment in the eyes, skin and hair. In mammals, this typically results in white hair or fur and eyes that appear pink due to the retinal blood vessels showing through where there is not enough pigment to cover them. Albinistic organisms are typically just as healthy on average as those with regular pigment, although the lack of natural camouflage often makes them much more likely to be spotted by predators. In small animals, albinistic traits are directly proportional to adorability and likelihood to be featured in an Easter related television commercial. Cadbury Cream Eggs are in fact, albino rabbit eggs.

African Pygmy Hedgehog out frightening children, Atelerix albiventris

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